All purchasing professional You need to be aware of what is happening in Brazil and the world, in technological trends, political and economic situations, and market transformations.
This is because one of your main challenges in the purchasing area is facing the uncertain scenarios and have more chances of assertiveness in your choices.
So what to expect from 2022?
We translated a study of Visual capitalist, which analyzed more than 300 articles to predict global trends.
The proposal is that, based on this content, you can acquire more knowledge to guide your future decisions.
Below, find out about the main predictions for this year.
Read on!
Top 20 predictions for the year 2022:
1. Pandemic becomes endemic in some countries
Despite the increase in infections, France, Spain, Denmark and the United Kingdom believe that the progress of vaccination and the reduction in hospitalizations are already enough to “turn the key”.
2. Big Techs keep growing
Big techs grew during the pandemic period and should continue to leverage their businesses in 2022, investing mainly in privacy and security issues.
3. The content creator market is getting stronger
Brands are increasingly looking to content creators and digital influencers to promote their products and services. In 2021 alone, the market generated revenue of US$13,8 billion.
4. Highly uneven recovery
The slowdown in the world's major economies, particularly the US and China, will have a strong impact on the economies of emerging and developing countries.
5. Digital kidnappings increase
The attacks of ransomware, in which criminals ask for money to ransom data, are on the rise in 2022. Worldwide, from 2020 to 2021, the number of attempted scams rose to 38%.
6. Social commerce gains momentum
A Emarketer, a global research and trends consultancy, estimates that sales made through U.S. social media campaigns will double by 2025 to more than $79 billion.
7. Inflation decreases slowly
Currently on the rise worldwide, global inflation is expected to slow down throughout 2022. In January, the US reached its highest inflation rate in 40 years, at 7,5%.
8. Regulation is coming for cryptocurrency
According to CNN Brazil, cryptocurrency regulation has advanced in several countries. In 2021, the US launched the first Exchange Traded Fund (ETC) linked to a cryptocurrency.
9. European and Japanese stocks rise
European stocks have started 2022 at a record high and there is optimism in the market for the whole year. Chinese stocks are also likely to have a very positive year.
10. Metaverse excitement wanes
According to Gartner, by 2026, ¼ of the world's population with internet access will spend at least one hour a day in the metaverse. However, people's enthusiasm is likely to wane.
11. Climate change is back in the spotlight
Experts from the World Economic Forum believe that issues related to climate change should be treated as a priority by companies and governments in 2022.
12. Growing influence of ESG factors
ESG, an acronym for “environmental","Social"and "governance“, is gaining more and more attention from investors, driving companies to adopt best practices.
Here, you will learn how the supply chain can help achieve ESG criteria.
13. Greater volatility
The year 2022 will be one of extreme volatility and loss for global markets, with one of the main threats being the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
14. China will have a difficult start to the year
Still under the impact of Covid-19, China may face many challenges in 2022. To prevent new infections, the country continues to tighten restrictions and lock down cities.
15. Supply chain disruptions slowly ease
As 2022 supply chain predictions are less tense than in the last two years. Despite continuing problems and interruptions, companies are better prepared for the challenges.
16. Interest rates will rise
The projection of higher interest rates in the US is already affecting other countries and will have a strong impact on Brazil. The Selic rate has not reached double digits since May 2017. In February, it rose to 10,75%.
17. A banner year for electric vehicles
Even though automakers are slowly adapting their production to battery-powered models, 2022 is expected to be the year of electric vehicles.
18. Work dynamics
After the pandemic, work dynamics are reshaping the market, with operations working remotely, and this will continue to be evident in 2022.
19. Geopolitical conflicts will increase
The geopolitical conflicts between Ukraine and Russia and the US and Iran will have a strong impact on the economies of many countries, resulting in rising inflation and higher interest rates.
20. Global GDP growth
The UN report on economic prospects predicts global GDP growth of 4%. Among the main challenges are possible variations in COVID-XNUMX and growing inflationary pressure.
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