5 tips to help you boost your sales results in the B2B market

5 factors to stay focused and boost your results in B2B business

5 factors to stay focused and boost your results in B2B business

Expanding B2B market in Brazil and worldwide

The digital B2B market is constantly growing. According to a survey conducted by Forrester Research, e-commerce between companies has the potential to develop twice as much as B2C. The company estimates that by 2021 this market will be able to generate revenues of around US$ 1.2 trillion.

Brazil has a great opportunity for growth, even if gradually, many companies are already becoming aware and adopting the digital environment to favor their transactions. B2B sales can be extremely rewarding and profitable for suppliers, so it is important to know how to do it.

According to Fabrizio Tassitano, the five points are:

1 – Highlight features and differences

Many suppliers are concerned with demonstrating the results and benefits of their products and services, but forget to highlight the features and differences. In the virtual environment, the more detailed the information, the easier it will be for the buyer to choose your company. It is important to demonstrate that your offer is technically prepared to help them achieve their goal and to make the main qualities of the product clear so that the decision is quicker and more assertive.

2 – Be present

One of the most important aspects of gaining relevance in a marketplace is related to the supplier's level of response when receiving quotes. It is essential to interact and maintain a close relationship with buyers: make comments, answer questions and respond to messages. Respond to all opportunities received and, if you are unable to meet the demand, decline the quote so that the buyer knows that your company will not be able to supply that particular item. In addition, offer the same service to all customers, regardless of their size.

3 – Make your value proposition clear

A well-described product is easy to find and the chances of conversions increase significantly. When registering your offer on the B2B portal, include as much information about the product as possible, such as technical specifications and images, in order to make it easier for the buyer to search. Also define the appropriate categories so that the product can be found without difficulty. It is important to avoid volume without quality, since in a B2B marketplace buyers are looking for security and trust.

4 – Offer the best price with the best quality

Prices that are much lower than market prices can create uncertainty or a bad impression about your company. Buyers always analyze the overall context. Therefore, pay attention to the quality of the product, not just the price. Study the market to deliver the best product at the most attractive price. It is good practice to work with progressive price reduction tables, as the quantity requested increases.

5 – Care about your reputation

Personalized service is a competitive advantage and helps to build customer loyalty. Make sure you have a good rating among buyers. To achieve this, it is important to deliver quality products within the agreed deadline, meeting your customers' demands. Remember to manage after-sales and seek registration approvals to generate more credibility in the community.

Reflect on these points and analyze whether your business is ready to achieve significant results in B2B e-commerce. The growth possibilities are great!

The article by Fabrizio Tassitano, Director of the Products area of ​​Mercado Eletrônico, was published by the information and news portals of InfoChannel, E-commerce News e Administrators.

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