O Electronic Market has developed an internal application to manage its employees in an individual and personalized way. Gente & Gestão centralizes information about each employee, such as resumes, performance evaluations, awards won, changes in areas and positions, professional aspirations and other important data. In addition to facilitating all actions in the Human Resources area, the app helps the career development of the company's employees, as it offers an overview of the employee's performance by compiling the information.
“We have 230 employees and improving the visibility of each employee and proactively promoting their professional development is a priority for Mercado Eletrônico. This is because our main value is the motto of “People First”, says Adriana Oliveira, HR manager at Mercado Eletrônico. “However, centralizing all the information and automating the processes is a huge challenge. That is why we chose to develop Gente & Gestão internally. The HR department, together with the team of analysts, specified all the functionalities and created a system that meets current needs and also allows for easy and fast developments”, she adds.
The development of People & Management relied on Mercado Eletrônico's App Builder technology. It allows you to create applications without the need for complex development. Therefore, in just one week the system was ready to operate.
In addition to HR, all employees have access to the application – professionals can keep their registration data up to date, monitor goals set in performance evaluations, update their resumes and professional aspirations, and even schedule meetings with HR to discuss career plans and professional development. All of this data allows HR to conduct and monitor employees more closely. This makes it possible to quickly understand each person's expectations and define professional growth actions within the company.
“Gente & Gestão supports us in the most basic issues, such as keeping employee records up to date, and the most complex, such as mapping employees who are ready for a promotion, people who want to change areas or who have short-term professional expectations. This is because everyone can easily include their aspirations and request a conversation with us,” says Adriana Oliveira. “In addition to the value for HR, it is important that all of our employees keep in mind that this platform facilitates and brings contact closer so that everyone can express their needs and feel comfortable talking to us about their career plans. This way, everyone can meet their expectations and stay motivated at all times.”
Performance evaluations
Since February of this year, all performance evaluations have been carried out via the app. For new employees on probation, there is a questionnaire after 30 days at the company to indicate initial perceptions and, after 75 days, the manager carries out an evaluation to decide whether the employee is fit to continue or whether he or she needs some additional training to carry out his or her activities.
After the trial period, the manager conducts a new assessment every 6 months and defines an action plan with goals for the following period with the employee. “This entire process took up a lot of time, paperwork and storage space, so it is now carried out entirely in the system. We have automated operational issues and are able to work more strategically,” explains Adriana Oliveira. “Only the feedback from the managers will be given in person, after all, this moment of giving feedback to the employee about their strengths and areas for improvement is extremely important for developing the professional and achieving better performance.”
The application also helps managers who can extract information from their team's performance evaluations and monitor the action plans defined in the face-to-face feedback. Some topics are restricted to HR, such as professional aspirations. Although all information about the employee is in the same system, the tool has the intelligence to allow different access in each case.
Internal recognitions
Another action recently implemented by Mercado Eletrônico’s HR department was “BlueCard”. This is an application to recognize the work and support of colleagues. Any employee can access the platform and offer a BlueCard to a coworker who has accomplished something outstanding. The employee accesses the tool, chooses the employee and writes the reason – which is published for the entire company to access. “We often depend on our managers to receive public recognition. With BlueCard, all of our employees can showcase the good work done by other professionals in the company, making the entire organization more integrated and motivated”, adds Adriana Oliveira.
Discover other apps developed by the Electronic Market.
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