In times of change, where absolute truths are being questioned, it is necessary to create new ways of acting and thinking.
Have you ever heard of Reframing? It is a neurolinguistic programming methodology developed to rethink attitudes and the way we act in situations. This technique is being widely used in the current scenario, which is feeling threatened by the transformations and technologies 4.0.
Luis Rasquilha, CEO of Inova Consulting and TEDx Speaker, invites you to watch the talk “Reframing: learning to reframe events”, which will happen in ME B2B Summit, on September 19th, in São Paulo.
register here now and continue reading the post to learn a little more about the subject. Check it out!
Our inner world: how do we create it?
The brain interprets the events of our lives based on experiences and learning. Therefore, each person has a different understanding of situations.
Let me give you a basic example. For an athlete, having a salad and chicken for lunch is perfect for achieving their goals. For a regular person or someone who is used to eating a lot, this might be a lunch that falls short of expectations. After the meal, the athlete is ready to continue their day perfectly, while the other person feels like something is missing.
Once a human being accepts these events as truth, they end up reflecting on their inner world and influencing future decisions. It is possible to see that, in this situation, there is no right or wrong, but only two different perceptions of the same event. And this is how we create our inner world.
Reframe events to have more success and satisfaction in life
Throughout our lives, countless events occur, and some of them can eventually harm our values. As such, we tend to interpret them as negative events.
A clear example is a family fight. It is very common to dwell on the bad moments and rehash everything that happened during an argument, attitudes that only make us feel even more hurt. After all, if we only think about the problem and how things could have happened differently, the end result is that we will become even more upset.
When this happens, it's time to stop and think. Dwelling on it doesn't help at all, and this is where the reframing method, also known as reframing. Reframing translates the ability we have to face events in a simple way that, before, seemed very complicated.
It is the act of giving another meaning to that which is already rooted in our backup of values and beliefs.
Giving a different value, in addition to helping us move forward, brings emotional balance and allows us to face problems in a more confident way, increasing the chances of success and satisfaction, both in our personal and professional lives.
And what does this have to do with business?
In times of so much change, pessimism often gains strength. It is common to think that we are living in difficult times in the job market and that our jobs are numbered in the era of mass digitalization.
O reframing, applied in the business world, shows that technology arrives to enhance human power and make our work much more strategic and assertive.
Revolution 4.0 is yet another of humanity's inevitable transition phases and, like all the others, human beings will adapt and create major developments to make everyone's daily lives easier.
It's time to resignify!
To reframe, you must choose an event that has a lot of meaning for you and, when things turn out unexpectedly, look for the positive side of the situation to invest more energy and attention. Instead of beating yourself up, choose to see the good side and, thus, face it in a balanced way.
In other words, look for the most optimistic point of view and try to learn a real lesson from what happened.
About Luis Rasquilha
CEO of Inova Consulting and Inova Business School. He holds degrees in Disruptive Strategy (Harvard) and Creativity and Design Thinking (Stanford), and, according to Gama Academy, is one of the 50 professionals that everyone should follow. Luis is also a TEDx speaker and the author of 18 books on marketing, trends and innovations.
So, are you ready to give new meaning to events and live life in a lighter way? Register for ME B2B Summit 2019 and see the full talk by Luis Rasquilha. But hurry, as places are limited.
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