Armando de Vilhena takes on a directorship position at Mercado Eletrônico

Electronic Market announces Armando de Vilhena as the company's new director of operations.

The executive will be responsible for leveraging operations and services, and delivering more value to customers through the ME platform.

With over 18 years of experience in the technology sector, Vilhena holds a degree in Computer Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo. Over the past two years, he has served as head of Delivery for the Financial Services Vertical for Wipro do Brasil, an Indian multinational that acquired InfoSERVER in 2017, a company of which he was a partner and Chief Operating Officer.

For Vilhena, “ME combines the solidity of a mature, 25-year-old company with the drive and agility of a startup, all while putting people first. These characteristics make the environment conducive to innovation and the formation of high-performance teams. I hope to strengthen the company’s growth in an increasingly competitive market and contribute to continuing to deliver services with the quality and speed that our customers expect,” he highlights.

Source: Computerworld


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