Digital Weapons vs. Digital Soul: Building Relationships in the New Age

Digital Weapons vs. Digital Soul: Building Relationships in the New Age

The digital world has been a reality for some time now. And even though we haven't yet explored its full potential, digitalization provides us with benefits that we can no longer live without.

Have you ever imagined a world without Google in your pocket to answer all your daily questions in the blink of an eye? Or surviving long distances without efficient internet communication?

It is with these questions that we begin this post, which will recall the theme of the last lecture at the ME B2B Summit 2019, presented by Walter Longo: Digital Weapons x Digital Soul: building relationships in the new era.

Are you ready? Then check it out!


Technology rooted in society

As we can see above, technology is already part of our daily lives. It is already so inherent in society that, if we ever live through it, we won't even remember what it was like before.

But the importance of using digital tools goes far beyond practical issues. In the business world, their implementation is mainly related to strategy, productivity, time optimization and cost reduction.

The benefits that business and communication have acquired through digitalization are immeasurable, but why not look further?


The digital revolution is not complete

Nowadays, companies already have a variety of digital weapons at their disposal. Blogs, social networks, SEO, Google, management tools, solutions that automate the company's purchasing department, etc. We have a variety of digital weapons at our disposal that can help us face everyday challenges, both inside and outside the office. However, there is no point in having countless tools if old concepts continue to be present in the company's culture and, especially, in its people.

Digital transformation is only complete when an internal change occurs, a behavioral and cultural transformation within organizations and professionals. Understanding the moment, adapting to the new market and new life, being open to learning and enjoying these tools is what makes the revolution complete. This is what we call the digital soul.

For Walter Long:

“Digital soul is about going far beyond incorporating digital weapons into the product or service. Digital soul is about establishing the zeitgeist (spirit of the times) in the design, operation, processes, management and relationship with the market.”


Middle Ages vs. Media Ages

Technological advances have caused people to change their behavior. And this has ended up generating a movement in society, taking it out of the Middle Ages, where people needed to adapt to the world, and migrating it to the Middle Ages, with more individualistic people and greater power of choice.

Before, people couldn't choose the movie they wanted to watch, but just waited for the broadcasters to announce it and adapted to the schedules in order to enjoy it. Today, people can choose the movie they want, when they want to watch it. The difference is remarkable and we don't even need to give many examples. With these advances, we no longer revolve around the world's average, but rather the world needs to adapt to the routine, tastes and desires of humanity.

Companies are personalizing and adapting to consumers. Organizations are taking better care of their employees and offering different benefits according to each profile.

What is being valued is not the profession itself, but the qualities and skills that the professional can offer to the market. Because, if he does not feel welcomed in a certain place, he will look for an environment where he fits in better and has his potential valued.


So, how do you see these changes caused by digitalization in society?

Tell us in the comments!

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