Automation of purchasing processes: What is it and how to implement it in your company?


The automation of purchasing processes is already a reality in many companies, due to the numerous results it generates for business.

By transforming manual steps into more agile, economical, safe and even sustainable operations, buyers gain time to innovate and make better decisions.

Despite this evolution, there are still companies and professionals who are resistant to new technologies, mainly due to a lack of visibility of how digitalization can be a factor in competitiveness and accelerated growth.

Contrary to the myth that still exists, the automation of purchasing processes does not replace the role of the buyer, but rather complements their activities.

In this post, you will learn more about purchasing automation, its benefits and tips on how to successfully implement a solution.

Enjoy reading!

What is purchasing process automation?

The automation of purchasing processes is achieved through the use of digital solutions e-Procurement to replace manual activities in the sector.

Even though buyers can receive proposals from suppliers via email, the risks of compliance, low productivity and process failures are very high.

In this scenario, purchasing areas that remain resistant to the digitalization of processes will lose competitiveness and may not survive in the long term.

Furthermore, the automation of purchasing processes frees the buyer from the operational routine, to focus on strategies that are relevant to the company.

Processes that used to take days, or even months, can be carried out on a single online platform.

Now, purchasing professionals, who were previously known as “order takers”, are strategic negotiators and even contribute to the innovation of business.

Find out the benefits of automating purchasing processes

    • Productivity increase: with the automation of operational processes, purchases are faster and lead time is reduced.
    • Cost reduction: fewer operational activities require less effort and unnecessary investments.
    • Better prices: price quotations with more suppliers stimulate competitiveness and guarantee more savings.
    • Greater data reliability: process automation helps ensure that information is correct and secure.
    • Standardization of processes: processes that happen in the same way and continuously help to reduce errors and delays.
    • Centralization of information: allows buyers and suppliers to access data and processes in real time and in a single environment.
    • Integration between areas: with automated purchasing processes, it is possible to ensure integration between the different areas involved.
    • purchasing planning: access to purchase and price history, among other relevant data, to assist with new acquisitions.
    • Transparency in transactions: interactions are recorded on the platform, allowing compliance and facilitating audits.
    • Access to indicators (KPIs): access to purchasing KPIs contributes to constant, data-driven decision-making.
    • Better relationship with suppliers: improves communication and interaction between business partners.

How to implement automation of purchasing processes in your company?

The automation of your company's purchasing processes can happen gradually and in a scalable way, with a well-structured and planned change management process.. The steps to automate the purchasing area include:

Check out the tips for successful automation of purchasing processes

1. Choose the ideal solution for your business

Choosing a shopping platform needs to be done carefully, as the tool has to meet the different needs of your business.

2. Assemble a support team

Select some people who will be facilitators to answer other professionals' questions regarding the entire digitalization process.

3. Define those responsible for implementation

This type of definition ensures adequate and assertive control of all change management, avoiding points that generate complications.

4. Start with the simplest processes

Even though the automation of purchasing processes is complete, the ideal is to start automating the simplest processes.

5. Communicate what is being done

To ensure that everyone is familiar with the new purchasing processes, communication with other areas is a fundamental step during the implementation of the solution.

6. Empower buyers and suppliers

Training the people involved – buyers and suppliers – is essential to ensure that everyone enjoys the benefits offered by technology and automation.

7. Evaluate the results

Understand the impacts of the purchasing management solution on buyers' routines and whether there are any adjustments that need to be made.

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