Electronic Market promotes 2017 Clothing Drive




Every year, Mercado Eletrônico helps warm hearts during the colder seasons with its Clothing Drive. The campaign has been promoted by “Corações em Ação” since 2004, a team made up of volunteer employees from the company. This year, the campaign collected clothes and shoes to help many people this winter.

The donations were sent to the União Espírita em Busca da Paz, in Santo André, in the Greater São Paulo region. The organization, founded in 1973 by Marli and Rubens Araújo, works on several fronts to help those most in need.

In addition to working with warm clothing, the home maintains two support groups: one for pregnant women and another for training in sewing and tailoring aimed at low-income mothers. The organization's efforts do not stop there. They also work on preparing and distributing soup to the homeless population in the surrounding area.

And so, while delivering warm meals to the homeless, the volunteers from União Espírita discovered the need to donate, along with the meal, a coat for those who are cold. “We realized that it was possible to bring even more warmth to these people,” said Luiz Felipe Araújo, an employee in the R&D area of ​​Mercado Eletrônico and son of the founders of the organization.

The delivery is carried out by a group of volunteers on Tuesdays, starting at 19:45 pm. The meeting point is at the institution's headquarters, located at Rua Ipanema, 47 – Pq. Erasmo Assunção – Santo André. Anyone who wants to participate, just show up at the location and join the team. The website for more information about the institution's work is ueebp.wordpress.com.

To everyone who contributed to the 2017 Clothing Drive, our many thanks!

In 2018, the Clothing Drive gave way to Winter Solidarity Games. Know more.


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