In 2019, Mercado Eletrônico turned 25 years old. The company, which was founded in 1994 with the purpose of offering agility, economy and governance for the purchasing area, has consolidated itself.
And, to tell a little of this story and the evolution of the purchasing sector over all this time, we prepared a commemorative edition of Conexão Compras, the B2B market talk show, with the special participation of all the directors that make up the company's leadership.
In today's post, we've prepared a preview of the main topics covered in each episode and the videos, in full, for you to watch as many times as you want.
Episode 1: The era of communication on wheels
Operational processes, ABC curve that took months to complete and creation of partnerships with suppliers carried out by “word of mouth”.
The past of B2B purchases was like this and the directors of Mercado Eletrônico recalled, with great humor, all the challenges they faced until reaching today's model, where everything is resolved with a click and it is possible to achieve collaboration so that all parties come out winning.
At the beginning of the company, ME acted only as a catalog, where products were registered as the diskettes arrived. At the time, this was a great advance and made it much easier for companies to quote products.
Watch episode 1 in full:
Episode 2: Artificial Intelligence in B2B Purchasing
From the past to the present. In the second episode of Conexão Compras Special 25 years of Mercado Eletrônico, the directors commented on all the developments that are emerging to transform the purchasing area into an increasingly strategic segment.
The company has seen many changes over the last two years, both in terms of implementation methodologies and product improvements.
Here, we understand that solutions need to be increasingly easy to use, self-service for customers, have less complex implementations, but always with a scalable structure that favors development and speed.
The directors also commented on the challenges of internationalization and the difficulties of operating in the American Midwest, which has several relevant differences in the Procurement process.
However, the platform's 25 years of existence provide security and maturity to generate faster benefits and offer what is truly important for each company.
Watch episode 2 in full:
Episode 3: Vendor by appointment?
To close the special Conexão Compras for Mercado Eletrônico's 25th anniversary, the directors recalled some more funny situations, such as the time when meetings with suppliers had a set time.
In addition, they compared the past, present and future of B2B Purchasing. In the past, the sector was known as a cost area. Now, it is something that contributes and generates revenue for the company. Before, it was an operational sector. Today, it is a strategic and thinking asset. These changes also require a new professional profile, with skills capable of taking advantage of the best of technology in their daily lives.
In short, thinking about digitalizing the purchasing area is not just an option, but an obligation in today's times. Otherwise, those who do not keep up with market dynamics will automatically be harming the company's future business.
Watch episode 3 in full:
Today, you watched a summary of the Special Shopping Connection 25 years of Mercado Eletrônico. And if you have more stories about the area's past to tell, leave them in the comments! ?
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