[New Home] Discover the New Home of the Electronic Market for Suppliers

You may already be used to the Mercado Eletrônico home page, but changes are always welcome, especially when they aim to simplify our daily lives.

And that is exactly what the New Home of the e-Procurement platform will provide you with: speed, organization and a more practical way of working.

In today's post, we provide details on all the updates and how you will now be able to view your business's processes and strategic information.

You will see:

  1. A single dashboard to view everything you need
  2. Pending vs. Transactions: understand what you see in each section
  3. How to customize your desktop
  4. Understand how to visualize your processes
  5. Create filters and make your daily searches easier
  6. How to save your custom filters
  7. Watch the tutorial!

Check it out!



1. A single dashboard to view everything you need

Nova Home allows platform data to be viewed in a consolidated manner on a single dashboard.

In it, you have access to the Pending, Orders, Invoices, Quotes and Accounts sections.

Each of these grids has standard and strategic fields, which can be customized according to your needs.


From now on, you can easily view processes Pending, In progress e Completed, in addition to building custom filters using the information on the screen:

  • Pendencies: all the processes that require your action are here. You can access the Quotation new and awaiting a response, Orders that require confirmation or even the issuance of an Invoice. The option of Job opportunities contains the public quotes available in our marketplace and that match your user profile registered in the system.
  • Transactions: This area contains everything from ongoing processes (which have already been removed from their pending status) to the history of closed processes, Orders, Invoices, as well as all Quotes and Paid and Payable Accounts already received on the e-Procurement platform.
  • Saved filters: Here you will find all the filters you have created in a personalized way to view and access your information quickly.


2. Pending vs. Transactions: understand what you see in each section


  • Requests to Answer: all orders that Buyer Customers have sent and require confirmation from the Supplier.
  • Requests to Issue NF: all orders that Buyer Customers have sent and for which the items have already been delivered, making it possible to start generating Invoices.
  • Opportunities: are the public quotes made available on our Marketplace by Buyer Customers. These quotes are in line with your profile registered on the platform.
  • Quotes to Answer: all quotations that Buyer Customers have sent directly and require a response from the Supplier.


  • Order: all existing orders on the platform, divided by their corresponding statuses.
  • Invoice: all existing NF's on the platform, divided by the corresponding statuses.
  • Quotes: all existing Quotes on the platform, divided by the corresponding status.
  • Accounts: Paid and Payable Accounts. If you have a Buyer who uses this module, the entire history of Existing Accounts will be displayed on the platform.


3. How to customize your Desktop?

In Nova Home, you can customize the columns and the order in which they are displayed in the grids for each process.

To make these changes, it's very simple: just access the icon located in the upper right corner (see image below) and then click on the option “Columns”.


When activating the option “Columns”, the platform displays all active columns in the grid and which inactive options can still be enabled. By dragging a column from one side to the other (as in the image below), you can create your default grid of active columns.
Note that the grid display order can also be changed by moving the column to the top or bottom.



4. Understand how to visualize your processes

In any of the grids, you can quickly view all the processes corresponding to that section and status. By clicking on the corresponding number of the desired process, you have access to the detail screen of the quote response.




5. Create filters and make your daily searches easier

Filters help you save time when searching for processes on the platform. In any of the grids, you can view all existing processes, such as quotes, invoices and orders already received.

So, from now on, to refine and facilitate your day-to-day searches, use the personalized filters option.



6. How to save your custom filters?

Nova Home allows you to save the most used filters for later reference. In the image below, you can find a step-by-step guide on how to create them.


To finish the process, remember to give your filter a name.


All saved filters will be highlighted in the left side menu so you can quickly consult them whenever you access the platform.



7. Watch the tutorial


Done! 😉

Learning how to use Nova Home is easier than you think and brings a series of benefits to your day-to-day life, which is already busy enough.

Access this post whenever you have questions and remember that you can also count on the Mercado Eletrônico team by email suppliers@me.com.br.

Until next time!





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