Discover the new “My Suppliers” page

Discover the new “My Suppliers” page and some of the new features:

1. Private Supplier Grid

Access to the private supplier grid is done through the “Suppliers” button, available in the page header.

2. Actions available directly on the grid

You can perform actions such as blocking, releasing, deleting or including a supplier in a supplier group, without having to access the supplier registry. Just click on the “More actions” button.

3. “List” view mode

The platform allows you to change the way suppliers are viewed. Simply click on the button, as shown in the image below, and choose your preferred option:

4. Advanced filters

Now, the user can perform more precise searches in the “Filters” option, combining different criteria.

5. Group Tree Navigation

It is possible to perform filters by browsing through supplier groups or supplier status in your database.

6. Supplier Document

By clicking on the supplier's name directly in the grid, the user has access to the data and settings registered in the company's profile that is within their database. In the document, it is possible to view: registration data, contacts, address, as well as settings and parameters registered for the supplier.

7. Actions on Supplier Document

In addition to accessing the supplier's registration data, the user can perform some actions directly through the supplier's document. They can also have direct access to the ME Marketplace.

8. Access to the Marketplace

To access the Marketplace ME page (public suppliers), simply access the “More” menu in the page header and click on the “Suppliers” option.

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