[e-PROC] Learn about improvements to Pre-Order documents


Continuing with our User Experience Evolution Program, we have launched improvements to the usability of the Pre-Order document on the ME e-Procurement platform. The new feature features a simple, modern layout, highlighting information better distributed on the screen.

Below you can see the new order layout, with the information organized according to the related topic:



Now let's highlight the main topics of the Pre-Order:


Here we have the document header with the Pre-Order number highlighted and the purchasing company information. We also have the Total Value of the process and the Pre-Order status:

We also have a clearer display of when it is a pre-application for formalization or an emergency.


Supplier Information

In this block we have the main supplier information:



Here we have the delivery and billing locations related to the Pre-Order:


Approval History

Here we have the Pre-Order approval history:



At the end we still have the items section, with a redesigned layout and also with internal sections to facilitate viewing and browsing the information of each Pre-Order item:

General information

In this topic we have general information related to the Pre-Order, such as commercial conditions (shipping, payment conditions, currency type, proposal validity, etc.), Observations and other information.


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