Discover the Comparative Map of Mercado Eletrônico's e-Procurement solution

The purchasing department has long ceased to be just an acquisitions department. Nowadays, the sector is recognized as essential for businesses to take off. And despite the complexity of the B2B purchasing cycle, technology has been changing and shaping processes, from requisition to payment, making the journey of purchasing teams easier.

One of the activities that requires a lot of attention from buyers is the evaluation of proposals received from suppliers. After all, R$1 saved on purchases means R$1 in profit for the company. Despite this fact, choosing the best cost-benefit goes beyond price and different aspects must be considered when making a decision.

Therefore, with the mission of helping buyers, the Mercado Eletrônico Products team developed the Comparative Map.

Read on!

Comparative Map of the Electronic Market

The Comparative Map is a feature of the Mercado Eletrônico e-Procurement solution, which makes the process of analyzing and comparing quotes sent by suppliers more intelligent.

On a single screen, the map automatically compares all the information from the proposals. The user can compare all the information such as price, shipping, delivery, as well as indicate the best proposal and calculate the savings.

You can also use dynamic filters to make more advanced and specific comparisons and then make quick and assertive decisions.

Below, check out the main benefits of the functionality:

Visibility and Speed

Generally, to compare proposals, professionals use Excel spreadsheets, wasting a lot of time on this manual process.

The Comparative Map functionality allows you to view, side by side, important information from all proposals sent by different suppliers on a single screen.

Card Mode provides an analytical view of all items.


The comparison map is customizable for the user. The buyer can view or hide quotes, choose the order of responses, use filters in the comparison fields, among other applications to facilitate analysis and selection of the best quote.

Additionally, the interface has two viewing modes – card and synthetic – and night mode for those who prefer to work at night.

Consolidation of values

Here, the buyer has access to consolidated quote data. In other words, they can view information such as “best first offer”, “estimated total”, “historical price of the last order for each item”, “best package” and “best price”. All this information is generated automatically and the buyer can select the desired option to view the quote, according to the chosen criteria.

Savings calculation

The comparative map calculates the saving automatically. Simply select one or more items from the quote and click on the summary of the information you want for the calculation: “best 1st offer”, “estimated price”, “historical price”, “best package” or “best price”.

In this example, the “Historical Price” option was selected,

Above, we show the main advantages of the comparative map, which in addition to speeding up the supplier selection process, provides insights for your business, such as the automated calculation of savings.

Request a free demonstration of our e-Procurement solution and learn about its functionality.

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