We have some news to share about the Multicriteria Map. We prepared this content on the ME blog to explain how this feature can revolutionize your day-to-day with better and faster decision-making.
What is a Multicriteria Map and why should you use it in your work routine?
The term Multicriteria is used to indicate that it is possible to include several criteria (fields), in a single scenario, in the analysis stage of the different proposals in the Comparative Map. From February 2023, the ME platform will make the Multicriteria Map available, with the aim of offering users the possibility of creating different scenarios.
Scenarios can be created based on pre-selected criteria, according to your needs, so that you can gain more assertiveness in analyses and decision-making, resulting in potential gains for the business.
How to use the Multicriteria Map on the ME platform?
The Multicriteria function (Scenarios and Criteria) is available in the Comparison Map, in the “Scenarios” menu. Below, check out the step-by-step instructions to access it:
1. When accessing “Scenarios” in the menu, simply click on “Apply Scenarios” and view the scenarios already registered. Some of these scenarios are predefined in the system, to make it easier to choose the “Best Package” or “Best Price”.
2. By hovering over the name of the predefined scenarios, you can check which criteria (fields) were considered to indicate the “Best Price” or “Best Package”:
3. It is also possible to make any other scenario the default. This way, when accessing the Map, for any quote, the system will already present the best prices or packages, based on the scenario defined as default.
4. In addition to using predefined scenarios, the system allows you to create new scenarios:
5. When creating a custom scenario, the user can use quote fields to indicate the weights of each criterion, for example:
Example 1:
Example 2:
6. The system generates the ranking of the best supplier, according to the weight indicated in each criterion. In the example below, the supplier that responds to the proposal with the lowest total value, including taxes, will have the highest score in relation to the other suppliers.
7. The supplier who obtains the highest score, according to the defined criteria, will be considered to have the best proposal.
8. To use the Multicriteria feature, you need to have access to the new Comparison Map. If you don't have it yet, please request it from our Technical Support.
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