How to convince leadership about the importance of digital transformation?

How to convince managers of the importance of digital transformation?

How to convince managers of the importance of digital transformation?

A transformation digital It's a matter of survival for Brazilian companies and we've already talked about that in this post here. However, many of them still find it difficult to defend, in a clear and objective way, the importance of innovation for leadership.

According to a survey by Forbes, for digital transformation to happen and be successful, all managers in the organization need to be engaged and aware of technological advances, in addition to having knowledge about the impacts that solutions can have on corporate processes.

In today’s post, we have selected 3 tips to help you build strong arguments with your company’s board of directors.


3 strengths of digitalization to convince leadership

3 points to convince directors about digital transformation

1 – The numbers speak for themselves

There are countless technologies and business models that are leveraged by digital transformation. There are also several surveys and interviews with executives who are experiencing this digitalization and who prove the importance of riding the wave of 4.0.

To gain leadership in your company, there is no point in bringing technical names and new trends, as they will most likely not understand. Managers want to know about business results, so always present the numbers, as this makes it easier to see the evolution and glimpse the benefits of digitalization.

In short, don't explain technologies or digitalization, explain the positive impacts they can bring to business.

2 – Fierce competition

With the emergence of so many technologies, companies should not turn a blind eye and pretend they are not seeing the accelerated growth of their competitors.

As already mentioned above, currently, digitalization is a matter of survival.

With this in mind, leadership needs to know which technologies and processes the competition is using to conquer the market, achieve better results and be more effective.

Therefore, carry out a detailed analysis of your competitors’ businesses to help you make a decision.

3 – Quick and accurate decisions

This may be the final straw if leadership is still reluctant to accept digitalization. When addressing the issue, make it clear that the use of technology results in data and information that facilitate decision-making, making it faster, smarter and more strategic.

Data analysis, artificial intelligence and machine learning, when used correctly, can help and guide company decisions, leveraging business, generating innovation, ideas for new products or services, optimizing operating expenses and a multitude of other benefits.

With these three points addressed correctly, there is no denying the digital transformation. Managers may need training to truly experience the change correctly. However, these are details that can be easily resolved after technology is accepted as part of the business.

It is important to remember that digital transformation does not just mean changing processes, but also transforming people.

After preparing the directors, it is time to familiarize the employees with the new organizational culture. You can see this topic in this other post here.

So, do you have any more questions about how to convince your company's directors about the importance of digitalization? Leave your opinion in the comments!

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