Salesperson's Day: 16 materials to increase knowledge in this profession

October 1st is celebrated Salesperson's Day. One of the oldest and most necessary professions in humanity and which is often wrongly underestimated by companies.

In B2B, for example, the professional is essential to ensure business continuity and allow organizations to deliver their products and services to the population.

As they say, “behind the best deals there is always a great salesperson.” Mercado Eletrônico believes this and, therefore, has prepared a special post with some interesting facts, tips and 16 materials – including articles, videos and podcasts – to help B2B salespeople achieve the prominent place they so deserve.

Good reading!


Nothing happens until a sale is made!

In 1960, the US Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with publisher and entrepreneur Arthur Motley, recorded an LP called “Nothing Happens Until Somebody Sells Something” or, literally translated into Portuguese, “nothing happens until a sale is made.”

The album did not contain any music, but a series of lessons for salespeople, intended to become a “professional guide for those who practice the art of selling.”

In the repertoire, Arthur Motley, who at the time was president of the American institution, said:

  • How being nice to an old lady resulted in a new contract.
  • How to meet your prospect on equal footing when you walk into their office.
  • How to become a professional with the famous mirror test.
  • 3 things every salesperson should do to become a professional and take revenue to the next level.

Among the 3 things every salesperson should do are (1) you must know why, (2) you must believe, (3) you must be professional.

This year, the LP's release completed 60 years and is a nostalgic classic of the profession.


The B2B sales scenario during and post-crisis

As the COVID-19 pandemic progressed in 2020, buyers had to be cautious about spending, reevaluate their purchasing decisions, and this ended up reflecting on the way sales professionals act.

The new challenging scenario has driven a series of new sales strategies, methods and techniques, both in the B2C and B2B universes.

The changes and transformations of the digital era must remain from now on: automation of the sales cycle, personalized service, the use of sales metrics, chatbots, etc.

If before the price of the product or service was the main factor in companies' purchasing decisions, today it continues to be relevant, but it is far from being the only one.

More than ever, buyers are looking for a complete experience and more empathetic and collaborative relationships. Therefore, focusing on customer success is the new way to sell more and better.


10 articles to read on the ME Blog

  1. 5 tips to help you boost your sales results in the B2B market
  2. Buyer-supplier relationship is key factor in 2020
  3. Vending machine: what it is and how it can help your business
  4. Main KPIs for measuring B2B sales performance
  5. Salesperson of the past vs. Salesperson of the future: which type are you?
  6. Coronavirus and its impacts on B2B and the supply chain
  7. Understand how the B2B e-Marketplace offers new business opportunities
  8. Digital Weapons vs. Digital Soul: Building Relationships in the New Age
  9. Pendulum movement of innovation, what will be valuable and what will be left for human beings to do?
  10. Understand the biggest challenges facing B2B supply today


3 interviews to learn more about digitalization and innovation in B2B sales

  1. Live ME and Accenture | 2020: the year for those with innovation in their DNA
  2. Live ME and MDados | The importance of digitalization in a multi-industry trading center
  3. Live ME | Why do digitalized companies have competitive advantages in times of crisis?


3 podcasts to understand sales KPIs and the importance of relationships

  1. Fostering long-term relationships between buyers and suppliers to generate business value
  2. How to create a scalable and replicable sales machine
  3. The main KPIs for B2B sales



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