Currently, the leading role of the Purchasing area is not only related to cost reduction, but also to its capacity for innovation as a competitive strategy.
While cost-effectiveness is a key focus for the department, Deloitte's Global CPO Survey 2021 shows that for the first time in 10 years, procurement team operational efficiency is at the top of the priorities of industry leaders.
These trends are taking the supply chain to a new level, as well as the need to train professionals who are prepared to deal with so many challenges. In today's post, you will learn more about the importance of CPOs (Chief Procurement Officers), or purchasing directors, in the formation of a future-oriented area.
Check it out!
The importance of the Chief Procurement Officer in organizations
If there were still doubts about the relevance of the chief procurement officer (CPO), or in Portuguese, supply director, the most recent moments of crisis and increased demand have reinforced that this professional will be increasingly sought after by companies. In Brazil, the position of Supply Coordinator appears among the 30 professions on the rise in 2021 in the business magazine VC S/A.
To meet the demands of the new scenario, in a futuristic and humanized environment, this professional of the future – who already stands out in the present – needs to look inside and outside his walls, have efficient processes, adapt quickly to changes and recognize the relationship with his suppliers as an excellent business opportunity.
Below, we have separated some tips for you, Supply Director, to take the lead in your career in the coming years.
digital culture
Although it is not a new concept, but is constantly evolving, digital culture and automation of purchasing processes still divide the opinions of company leaders. While there are companies that have been adopting solutions to reduce the operational burden on their teams and make them more strategic, there are also those that prefer to maintain archaic means, such as multiple spreadsheets and printed papers.
However, implementing digital tools does not mean transforming an organization's culture. First of all, these changes need to be well studied and structured, according to the particularities of each business.
The CPO must listen to his team, understand the main needs, train his team, partners and other areas involved, and, most importantly, understand that a culture focused on digital transformation is not built overnight.
In this post, we talk more about the subject.
ESG Criteria
O ESG, an acronym for environmental, social and governance, refers to the best environmental, social and governance practices, and can no longer be far from the priorities of CPOs.
In addition to prioritizing the reduction of the negative impacts of its internal activities on society and the environment, it is necessary to look at the entire production chain, considering not only its main partners, but also their suppliers.
Quite a challenge for leaders and companies.
Agile methodologies
As agile methodologies, such as Scrum, Lean, Kanban, among others, facilitate the standardization of processes and promote innovation, productivity and collaboration in purchasing.
The search "Leading agile transformationMcKinsey’s Leading Agile Transformation emphasizes that leaders can be the biggest barriers or the biggest enablers of successful agile transformations.
The study chose cultural change in companies as the main challenge.
Soft skills
In purchasing, technical knowledge is very valuable. But increasingly, soft skills are considered essential to the department’s success.
For example, it is easier to teach people how to use a tool than to make them excellent at it. negociação. The second topic requires the development of specific skills, such as communication and relationships.
In this sense, a leader's attitudes and guidance are extremely important and can influence, for better or for worse, the development of an entire team.
Shopping 4.0
It is no wonder that the term “shopping 4.0” has been gaining the attention of CPOs globally. Big Data, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, 3D printing (additive manufacturing) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are some of the technologies that are changing the way the purchasing department operates.
These technologies are largely responsible for the rise of the area and should be on the CPOs' agenda urgently.
Mercado Eletrônico has prepared a complete material focusing on this subject. Download the e-book “Purchases in Industry 4.0” right now by clicking here.
In this article, we have selected some of the main skills and competencies of the future leader in purchasing. Are you ready? Share your opinion and experiences in the comments.
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