What is e-Procurement and how the solution automates purchasing management

O e-Procurement It is a digital solution for purchasing management, which automates processes such as requisitions, quotations with suppliers and approval, reducing the operational burden on the buyer and purchasing teams.

With the use of the tool, manual and bureaucratic day-to-day purchasing tasks are carried out and controlled in a single environment, freeing professionals in the area to focus on the company's strategies.

The buyer does not need to call or send emails to their suppliers, for example, to quote and negotiate prices and deadlines, because this is done automatically by the platform.

In e-Procurement, all purchasing stages are recorded, from the request to payment (Procure-to-Pay):

  • Purchase requisition
  • Supplier selection
  • Price quote
  • Comparative map, indicating the best proposal
  • Invoices
  • Payment

Below, check out how the automation process works and what the main benefits of digitalization are for buyers and companies.

How does e-Procurement impact the purchasing sector?

For a long time, acquisitions were made manually. The department's main function was to provide support to other areas, even with high costs.

With increased market competitiveness and technological advancement, organizations have had to rethink their purchasing strategies, focusing on cost reduction and innovation.

In addition, the uncertain scenarios, such as health crises, geopolitical conflicts and product supply shortages, have also driven the digitalization of global supply chains.

Today, the purchasing area is considered one of the most important for business results and includes other relevant aspects besides the economy, such as sustainability and innovation.

Understand the process of automating purchasing processes

Purchasing processes that are not yet digitalized and integrated, that is, depend on many spreadsheets, emails and printouts, directly impact the productivity and even the motivation of the purchasing team.

Excessive operational activities and low levels of control and transparency of processes and transactions can result in significant financial losses for the business, such as:

  • Low level of saving (savings generated with the purchase)
  • High purchasing lead time
  • Manual and disintegrated processes
  • High cost of the purchasing process
  • Lack of history and monitoring
  • Difficulty in auditing and compliance
  • Low visibility of purchasing performance
  • Low level of collaboration with suppliers

But now, faced with digital transformation, the purchasing professional acts with more intelligence and strategy in search of results for the company.

With the automation of purchasing processes, all actions related to acquisitions are recorded and can be integrated with other systems.

Digitalization allows buyers and managers to monitor each stage of the purchasing flow and communicate much more easily with their business partners.

What are the main benefits of e-Procurement for purchasing?

  • Economy

One of the main benefits of using the e-Procurement solution is the savings achieved by the company.

By adopting the tool, buyers have greater control over their spending and the sector's operational costs are reduced.

The solution allows quotes from multiple suppliers at the same time and faster negotiations, thus increasing the chances of savings and reduction of lead time.

Additionally, visibility of data and information on the platform provides important insights for planning future purchases.

  • Celerity

The use of an e-Procurement solution makes the purchasing journey more agile, as the entire purchasing cycle can be automated, freeing buyers from these activities.

Instead of countless emails and printed papers, the buyer concentrates operational processes in a single place and, as a result, has an integrated and strategic view of the sector.

Access to reports and monitoring of the area's performance in real time also speeds up decision-making by professionals.

Because it is a cloud solution, e-Procurement does not require installations on machines, that is, it can be accessed from any location and device connected to the internet.

  • Governance

Ethical and responsible business behavior is essential to prosper and grow in an increasingly competitive market.

In the approval stage, for example, the e-Procurement solution allows you to check whether suppliers meet the important requirements to become a partner.

This procedure helps to minimize risks related to the supply chain and their possible negative impacts on the business.

E-Procurement also allows you to concentrate and record all operations, which makes processes with your partners more transparent, traceable and auditable.

  • Collaboration

During all stages of purchasing, the e-Procurement solution helps to create an agile, clear and efficient communication and collaboration channel between buyers and suppliers.

Everyone involved can easily search and track the status of the request, from the start of negotiations to the delivery of the material.

This way, communication with suppliers is optimized and monitored, and can be carried out at any time, place and moment, including via cell phone.

Access to supplier performance indicators can also be shared with partners, with the aim of drawing up joint action plans.

Discover Mercado Eletrônico's e-Procurement solution

A Electronic Market e-Procurement solution eliminates operational costs in the sector and helps purchasing teams achieve the organization's business objectives.

The digital platform automates the entire purchasing cycle, from requisition to payment, allowing processes to be accessed and controlled from any device.

Furthermore, Mercado Eletrônico's e-Procurement is a responsive and secure platform that offers agility, savings, governance and collaboration.

Next, check out the main benefits achieved with the Mercado Eletrônico e-Procurement solution:

Control of the entire purchasing flow


Secure and collaborative online platform


Decrease in operational activities Analytical vision for more strategic decisions


Savings with reduction of sector costs


Agility in processes and reduction of lead time


Communication and collaboration between buyers and suppliers Transparency and strengthening of corporate governance


Responsive and user-friendly solution


Analysis and comparison of proposals on the comparative map


Automated savings calculation and indication of the best proposal Customizable and flexible solution


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