Future-proof: a new concept of digital transformation

Future-proof: Find out what it is and how to apply it.
Future-proof: Find out what it is and how to apply it.

We are living in the era of digital transformation in Brazilian society and companies. As we have said before, companies that have maturidade to deal with technologies and new trends tend to be one step ahead of the competition.

Along with these changes, new concepts are emerging. One of them is the Future-proof, have you heard of it? No? Then don't worry. In this post we will introduce it to you!


Future-proof: What is it?

O Future-proof It is a digital planning. It involves the evaluation of current processes rethought with the application of new technologies, taking into account the understanding and level of interaction of employees to use them.

Future-proofing should be part of the core of any company that is experiencing digital transformation, as it enables companies to prepare for the future.

It's a way to prepare for what's to come. There's no way to predict what innovative technologies or tools are about to emerge and impact our work, but knowing how to deal with them when they do appear will make all the difference.

Thinking long-term is important to prepare the ground and know how to make the most of what new technologies have to offer.


How to apply it?

Creating a culture of innovation is a great way to encourage planning and shape employees’ outlook for the future. Exploring and validating new technologies, products, markets and business models helps achieve the company’s long-term mission.

The idea is that these initiatives take place in an integrated manner, as innovation is not something that is only directed at leaders or a specific department. It needs to be experienced by the entire company.


Main features of a future-proof

For this concept to be implemented coherently, it is necessary to have visionary professionals, capable of establishing the necessary conditions to cultivate the culture of experimentation and promote futuristic thinking.

Focusing on exploring markets and studying business extensions can set you apart from your competitors. However, for this to happen in the best possible way, it is necessary to create multidisciplinary teams. Creating different profiles within teams can help with varied ideas and greater performance for decision-making.

Investing gradually can ensure the business. As ideas become more successful, the amounts can increase. Knowing how to identify and discard ideas that are not bringing the expected return is also very important. Data can provide interesting parameters to determine the potential of each initiative.


So, do you think future-proofing is important for long-term digital transformation and planning?

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