Purchasing management in times of crisis

Purchasing management in times of crisis

Purchasing management in times of crisis

Managing purchases in times of crisis is not an easy task. It is true that the current scenario has left many companies worried and, as a result, numerous questions are beginning to arise.

What measures are necessary to prevent shortages in times of crisis? What should purchasing teams prioritize in unstable scenarios? How to find suppliers in times of emergency?

These and other questions were answered by Luiz Gastão Bolonhez, VP of Mercado Eletrônico, and Genésio Couto, VP of Supplies, IT and Communication at Atvos, in the live broadcast that took place on April 9th.

Now, here on the ME Blog, you will be able to follow a summary and the main insights from this conversation.

Check it out!


Communication is essential in times of crisis

In B2B purchases, the first step to mitigating the impacts of the crisis is to talk to and listen to buyers. Clear communication is needed to answer questions and receive feedback.

It is also important to see them, to understand the mood of each professional. Therefore, meetings held via video conference can be very helpful.

Working remotely is not easy, but it is a challenge that is being well accepted by everyone.

Working from home can distance professionals while bringing them closer together. It all depends on how present the leadership is and what actions will be taken to define the team's work habits. Daily or weekly alignment meetings are well-received in this case.


Digitalization of the purchasing area

We know that the world will never be the same after this. Coronavirus. However, to minimize changes, it will be necessary to digitize the purchasing area and have well-informed buyers who are committed to the business. This digitization allows the company's operations to continue, alleviating the problems they are facing due to the current situation.

Technology automates and makes the area more fluid, allowing actions to be carried out remotely, without hindering the progress of business. We can say that companies that are already digitalized are in a privileged position in the midst of this crisis.


Compliance x Emergency Purchases

Given the current situation, it is normal for there to be a shortage of products or raw materials. This causes uncertainty, as companies may have difficulty finding certain supplies from their suppliers to continue their operations.

Therefore, it is natural for the company to seek new suppliers on an emergency basis to fill this gap. However, it is necessary to have transparency in the modification of the process, to have communication and integrity.

There is no problem in looking for new suppliers for raw materials, as long as compliance is present throughout the process to ensure agility and compliance of operations.


Overcoming difficulties in finding alternative sources of supply

The routine of companies has changed. If you continue to operate in the same way you did before everything happened, you won't be able to adapt to the new scenario. In other words, you need to think differently.

To overcome these difficulties, having a digital platform is essential. Through it, you will have control over the approved suppliers in your base and will be able to notify them of your needs, sparking the interest of the market. You will only be able to establish relationships and do new business once you notify suppliers of your new needs.

This action will make interested companies get in touch, reducing the impacts on the areas and overcoming the difficulties of doing new business.


These were some insights from the conversation between the VP of Mercado Eletrônico, Luiz Gastão Bolonhez, and the VP of Supplies, IT and Communication at Atvos, Genésio Couto.

To check out this chat in full, just click here!


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