Business risk management is also a topic at the ME B2B Summit 2019

Business risk management is also a topic at the ME B2B Summit 2019

In a world full of uncertainty, companies need to be increasingly attentive in managing their corporate risks.

Increasing complexity in supply chains, increasing market volatility, cybersecurity threats and political uncertainty are just a few examples of what organizations are exposed to today.

And this will be another topic addressed at the ME B2B Summit 2019, by the Coordinator of FGV-CELog (FGV-SP), Priscila Miguel, who will present the lecture “Business Risk Management: How to Prepare a Resilient Organization".

The event will take place on September 19th, in São Paulo, and you can't miss the chance to register and have a whole day of knowledge with great professionals in the market. register here, as places are limited!

While waiting for that day to arrive, read a little more about the subject!


What is risk management?

Risk management is a series of activities aimed at managing and controlling a company in relation to potential threats, regardless of their origins. This includes everything from planning and use of human resources to the materials acquired to prevent or treat a risk.

It is a management method to act in a preventive form, anticipating potential problems and acting before they even occur. However, there is also the possibility that a risk that has not yet been mapped may manifest itself. In this case, another way of acting comes into play, prescriptive method.

O method prescriptive seeks to encourage the company to behave dynamically, aiming for reactive action in the face of events. For this to happen, it is necessary to have a control system for all relevant numbers and causes that encompass the organization.

The ultimate idea behind all of this is the continuous improvement of the company's processes in order to enhance business.

How to manage risks?

Well, now that you've discovered what risk management is and how important it is, how about finding out how to do it?

Companies usually have specific departments responsible for management. Their mission is to map threats and develop prevention strategies. They also implement and encourage all employees to ensure that everything happens as planned.

Most common types of risks

As you may know, risk is an uncertainty, a path that deviates from the company's expected objectives. It can be an event, a circumstance or a future condition. See below a list of the most common risks:

– Work accident

– Environmental accident

– Financial fraud

– Absence of a key employee in the company

– Event that had a negative impact on the company

– Delays in delivery of goods

– Out of stock

– Lack of supplier

– High production costs

– Legal Proceedings

These are just some of the risks that an organization may face. Here, it is important to note that the origin of the risk can be either intern as external. Therefore, a truly resilient organization needs to have an area that is aware of threats at all times. After all, they can happen both inside and outside the company.

About Priscila Miguel

Graduated in Chemical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (1995), she holds a master's and doctorate in Business Administration from EAESP, Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Coordinator of the Center of Excellence in Logistics and Supply Chain (FGV-CELog) of Fundação Getulio Vargas – SP and coordinator of the Strategic Management in Supply Chain research line of the Professional Master's in Management for Competitiveness of EAESP-FGV.


So, do you have any more questions about the subject? Then, sign up for the ME B2B Summit. The talk “Business Risk Management: How to Prepare a Resilient Organization” will go through the most important points and provide examples of companies that knew how to manage their risks well, or that failed in the face of adversity.

If you haven't secured your spot yet, hurry up, as spaces are limited! register here!

Also check out other topics that will be part of the event:

– Trust and collaboration in postmodern management

– Are you really prepared to negotiate?

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