Mercado Eletrônico, a leader in B2B e-commerce solutions in Latin America, was elected one of the 150 best companies to work for in Brazil, for the third consecutive time, according to a survey conducted by Great Place to Work (GPTW) 2020.
The company, which entered the “medium-sized multinational companies”, rose 4 positions compared to the previous year and reached 29th place, with a 90% satisfaction rate among its employees. The award was announced on Monday night (19/10), in a 100% online event full of attractions.
Continue reading to find out more information about the award!
“People First” is the Electronic Market’s greatest value
Being on the GPTW list reflects one of the main pillars of ME: “People First”. And in a year of pandemic, in which all employees are working from home, the phrase has even greater meaning. Since March, the company has had to find ways to keep its employees close, healthy, productive, well-served and safe amid the threat of contamination from the Covid-19 virus.
To achieve this goal, the Ministry of Education opted for an individual approach and sought to offer personalized support to each employee. In addition, all managers were instructed to talk to their teams and understand their needs, both professional and personal, at this unique time.
Actions for well-being intensified in 2020
Throughout 2020, Mercado Eletrônico promoted several actions for its employees. Among them were flu vaccinations in a drive-thru system, office chairs were released so that employees could use them at home, a “home office voucher” so that everyone could buy materials that would help them in their daily remote work routine, and R$70,00 per month to help with internet expenses.
The company, which loves to celebrate and commemorate, has also been holding virtual happy hours and parties — such as baby showers, June parties and birthdays.
This year, to celebrate Children's Day, employees with children up to 12 years old were able to pick up a gift at the drive-thru system. All actions are in place to maintain closeness with employees — even with the need for social distancing.
“The result is reflected not only in the achievement of the GPTW, but also in our internal satisfaction survey. We observed that 94% of our employees are satisfied with the ME and believe that HR actions help to motivate and engage teams.” (Adriana Oliveira, HR Director of ME)
Remote celebration
To make the party complete, all ME employees received an invitation to attend the virtual awards ceremony, and the company also made a R$70,00 voucher available on a delivery app so that everyone could prepare their happy hour.
“The intention was for us all to be able to celebrate together this achievement, which is so important for the Electronic Market”, adds Adriana.
About GPTW 2020
Great Place to Work Brazil publishes more than 40 rankings annually, rewarding the best companies to work for in national, regional, sectoral and thematic scenarios.
This year, 3168 organizations wrote and only 150 took home the award.
To reach the results, almost 2 million surveys were evaluated, from 3168 companies across Brazil.
In this edition, it was also identified that the majority of companies awarded in the previous year had an average growth of 9,3% in revenue, which proves that the happiness and well-being of employees always has a positive impact on the success of the company.
Also read about the awards at 2018 e 2019.
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