ME 25 years: the company's oldest employees – Bruno Lopes

We have reached the sixth special post celebrating the 25th anniversary of Mercado Eletrônico.

In this series, we are interviewing the company's longest-serving employees to understand why they have continued to work in the same place for so many years, even in times of such curiosity and professional restlessness.

In today's post, the interviewee was Bruno Mendonça Lopes.

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From 2006 to today

Bruno Mendonça Lopes started at ME in 2006. Since then, 13 years have passed and a lot has changed, including his position within the company. Currently, he is one of the coordinators of the Research and Development area and responsible for the PaaS team, which develops the Miisy platform.


ME: Have you ever changed areas? What has your trajectory been within the company so far?

Bruno: I started in the Development area, working with the integration system. Later, I also started working with MEWeb. In 2011, the R&D department was created and I joined the area developing the software.


ME: What has changed in the company since you joined until today?

Bruno: There are so many things that it is impossible to list or remember everything (lol). Starting with the size of the company, which has grown significantly and now has at least twice as many employees. The company's posture has also evolved a lot, becoming increasingly professional and recognized in the market. The concern for the quality of life of employees already existed, but it is something that is growing stronger with each passing day.

The Development area, in particular, has changed a lot and is completely different from what it was 13 years ago.


ME: Why do you think you have been at the same company for so long, at a time when professional unrest is so great?

Bruno: Although I have always worked with development within the company, the system is huge and I have been able to change my objectives a lot. Coming up with new ideas and having the chance to work on them has always motivated me. The time I moved to the newly created Research & Development area was an extra boost, as I was able to work with new technologies and use everything that was new on the market. In addition, the people I work with are amazing and many have become true friends.


ME: What was the most memorable moment you experienced at the company?

Bruno: There were many, but I particularly remember the time when the company expanded to Portugal. It was a time of a lot of work and I spent a month working in the country's time zone. I would arrive at the company at 6 am, and people were already calling me. By the time the other employees started arriving, I had already been running around for a long time.


ME: Leave a message for people who are just starting out at the company:

Bruno: The Electronic Market can offer a lot of growth for those who make an effort and, above all, are able to innovate. Therefore, study, work and innovate, not only in technology, but in processes and business as well. It is not enough to have an idea, you have to put it into practice and show results.


This was the sixth post in the series celebrating Mercado Eletrônico's oldest employees. The previous interviews tell the stories of Ramon, Marco, Fabrizio, KlyvianCintia.

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