ME 25 years: the company’s oldest employees – Fabrizio Tassitano

ME 25 years: the company’s oldest employees – Fabrizio Tassitano

In 2019, Mercado Eletrônico completes ¼ century, which is a milestone for the company. After all, 25 years It's not 25 days. We were founded in 1994, in a small office in Vila Olímpia, and today we are one of the best companies to work for in Brazil, according to the GPTW (Great Place to Work) award.

There have been countless achievements over the years and, to celebrate this special date, we interviewed the 8 longest-serving ME employees to hear their stories, which are also part of ours.


From Intern to Product and Marketing Director

In the fifth post of the series, we interviewed Fabrizio Tassitano, who has been at Mercado Eletrônico for 15 years.

He is currently the Chief Product Officer and is responsible for implementing technologies for clients, developing products and managing Customer Success within the company.

ME: Have you ever changed areas? What has your trajectory been within the company so far?

Fabrizio: I joined the company in 2004 as an intern in the Refinery department, and in 2005, I interned in the Delivery department. A few years later, I became a full technical consultant in the same department, and in 2008, I was promoted to Coordinator. In 2010, a new challenge arose: coordinating the Projects area. I was able to do a great job and, in 2011, I became the area manager. In 2012, I was the SaaS Product Manager. All this experience prepared me for the position I hold today, Product Director.


ME: What has changed in the company since you joined until today?

Fabrizio: The company has changed a lot and many times since 2004. However, the main change is related to the people-first culture, which has taken hold over the years and became a reality in 2017. It is also worth highlighting the implementation of a more horizontal structure, with multifunctional teams working together and pursuing the same purpose. This is very different from the hierarchical structure that was very strong years ago.


ME: Why do you think you have been at the same company for so many years, at a time when professional unrest is so great?

Fabrizio: Precisely because of the professional restlessness of seeking ever more challenges, opportunities to do things differently and professional development, Mercado Eletrônico definitely provides all of this to its employees.


ME: What were the most challenging moments you experienced at ME?

Fabrizio: Perhaps the economic crisis in 2016, when we had to reduce our workforce and become more efficient, was a great learning experience for everyone who remained in the company.


ME: Leave a message for people who are just starting out at the company, or who want to work here:

Fabrizio: My main message for those who are starting out in Mercado Eletrônico is: take advantage of the opportunities, because there are countless. Dive in head first and understand that the company belongs to everyone and that the fastest way to individual evolution is to actively participate in the company's growth.


Thank you for sharing your story with us, Fabrizio!

This was the third interview with Mercado Eletrônico's oldest employees. See also the previous posts with Ramon and Marco.

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