ME 25 years: the company’s oldest employees – Marco Antônio

ME 25 years: the company’s oldest employees – Marco Antônio

Those who follow the ME Blog know that Mercado Eletrônico is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2019.

But to get here and be recognized as a leader in B2B e-commerce in Latin America, it was necessary to count on the help of people.

People who wear our shirt and believe, every day, in the power of bringing more savings, agility, governance, collaboration and, above all, technology to purchasing teams.

Fortunately, we have many employees and it is difficult to pay tribute to each one of them here on the blog. Therefore, we selected the 8 oldest names in the company to share a little about their careers and the reason why they have been with us for so long.


14 years of history in the Electronic Market

In today's post, we will present the story of Marco Antônio da Silva, who has been working at Mercado Eletrônico for 14 years.

Currently, Marco is part of the Commercial team, works as a Hunter and is responsible for prospecting clients to close new deals.


ME: Have you ever changed areas? What has your trajectory been within the company so far?

Marco: I was hired in 2006 as a Junior Buyer for BRASKEM's BPO. In 2007, I became a Full Buyer and took over leadership of AVON's BPO. With the expansion of AVON's operations, in 2009, I was promoted to Purchasing Coordinator. In 2013, I was promoted to Outsourcing Manager and, in 2017, I was transferred to the commercial area, where I work to this day.


ME: Why do you think you have been at the same company for so many years, at a time when professional unrest is so great?

Marco: Learning, growth and freedom to work. We don't have a routine, every day is a new challenge at Mercado Eletrônico.


ME: What were the most challenging moments you experienced at ME?

Marco: It was definitely my move to the Hunter area.


ME: And what was the most memorable moment you experienced at the company?

Marco: I think there are three main points: (1) I have access to all areas of the company, without restrictions. (2) Incredible environment with incredible people. (3) I work in a responsible company and I can balance it with my personal life.


ME: Leave a message for people who are just starting out at the company, or who want to work here:

Marco: Working at Mercado Eletrônico means having the opportunity to grow, develop and perform. Always give your best in what you do, remembering that if Mercado Eletrônico grows as an organization, we will grow as professionals and as people too. One thing is completely linked to the other. Dedicate yourself!


Thank you, Marco, for sharing a little of your journey with us.

See also the previous interview with Ramon, and don't forget to follow the next ones.

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