ME 25 years: the company's oldest employees – Marilia Gomes

We have reached the penultimate post in the series celebrating Mercado Eletrônico’s 25th anniversary.

Sharing some of the experiences of our oldest employees, over the course of eight interviews, has been very interesting.

Being able to read so many stories of professional growth and understanding that we only got here due to the collaboration, love and dedication of so many people is, without a doubt, very rewarding.

Therefore, today's post is being written with longing and already imagining the next 25 years, which will certainly come in the future.


From 2003 to today

Today's interview is with Marilia Gomes, who has been at Mercado Eletrônico for 16 years.

She currently works in the Products area and acts as a senior analyst, being responsible for directing the design and development of product improvements, in accordance with the company's strategies.


ME: Have you ever changed areas? What has your trajectory been within the company so far?

Marilia: I joined the CRF area in 2003 as an apprentice and have changed areas a few times since then. In 2004, I moved to the buyer support area and, in 2006, to the Projects area. In 2012, I moved to the Products area, where I remain to this day.


ME: Why do you think you have been at the same company for so long, at a time when professional unrest is so great?

Marilia: I believe that the atmosphere at ME is one of the factors that most motivates me to stay at the company, after so many years. Another motivation is knowing that the company trusts my work, and that I make a difference here.


ME: What were the most challenging moments you experienced at ME?

Marilia: I believe that changing areas and roles were very challenging moments, due to the learning opportunities they provided me. Furthermore, working on projects for strategic clients is always very challenging, due to all the responsibility involved.


ME: What was the most memorable moment you experienced at the company?

Marilia: One of the most memorable moments I experienced was the baby shower held by the company for employees during my pregnancy. It is gratifying to see how ME values ​​people and participates in the important events of our lives.


ME: Leave a message for people who are just starting out at the company:

Marilia: ME is a great company because, in addition to providing a pleasant environment, it also offers opportunities for career development. Take advantage of the welcoming environment to perform at your best.

We are coming to the end of our series of interviews. The next and final one will be with the employee who has been with Mercado Eletrônico the longest. Are you curious? Don't miss the next post.


And also see the other interviews with Ramon, Cintia, Bruno, Marco, Fabrizio e Klyvian.

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