ME B2B Summit 2019: Digital Weapons vs Digital Soul

ME B2B Summit 2019: Digital Weapons vs Digital Soul

Have you ever noticed that digitalization is so much a part of our daily lives that we only notice its absence when we encounter some kind of problem? It's like air, which we only remember exists when we notice its absence.

It is with this comparison and questioning that we begin the post, which will address another topic that will be presented in ME B2B Summit 2019, by the speaker Walter Long: Weapons Digital x the soul Digital: building relationships na new was.


The digital age

The digital world has been a reality for some time now. And even though we haven't yet explored its full potential, digitalization provides us with benefits that we can no longer live without.

Have you ever imagined a world without Google in your pocket to answer all your daily questions in the blink of an eye? Or surviving long distances without efficient internet communication?

All of this is already so inherent that, if one day we lived without it, we don't even remember what it was like.

But the importance of using digital tools goes far beyond practical issues. In the business world, their implementation is mainly related to strategy, productivity, time optimization and cost reduction.

The benefits that business and communication have acquired through digitalization are immeasurable, but why not look further?

Nowadays, we already have several digital weapons that can help us face everyday challenges, both inside and outside the office. What we need now is to develop a digital soul.


Digital Soul: What is it?

For Walter Longo, companies have already developed many digital weapons, whether hardware or software. The advertiser and business administrator believes that, now, in order to survive and be competitive, it is necessary to develop digital souls. And having a digital soul goes beyond websites, blogs and YouTube channels, more than using an e-commerce platform, interacting on social networks or developing new features for electronic equipment.

This is another dimension of digital engagement, which takes advantage of the omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence of digitalization in our lives. Understanding the proximity that technologies and the digital environment allow us to have in our daily lives is essential.

In an excerpt from an interview, Walter Longo comments, “The automotive industry is quite advanced in the development of digital weapons. It focuses on creating gadgets and equipment, but it is still behind in the development of a digital soul, which means a new formula for relating to the market and managing its business.”

In some sectors of industry, this revolution is already happening, but it is not a technological revolution, but a human one. After all, there is no point in having countless technological possibilities if people do not change their mindset and do not take advantage of the opportunities. The digital environment in itself does not change the way society works, but rather changes new behaviors.

In organizations, this change must occur in a top-down model to be successful. Leaders need to be aware of the importance of implementing these changes and innovations so that they can then be applied to the bottom-up model and spread throughout all areas of the company.

Are you interested in the topic? Then, register for the ME B2B Summit to watch the lecture in full.


About Walter Longo

Walter Longo is an advertising and business administrator with an MBA from the University of California. He is also a digital entrepreneur, international speaker and managing partner of Unimark Comunicação. Previously, he was President of Grupo Abril and Strategy and Innovation Mentor of Grupo Newcomm – a communications holding company of the WPP Group, which includes the agencies Young & Rubicam, Wunderman, Grey Brasil, VML, among others.


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This text is part of a series of posts with news about the ME B2B Summit 2019. We still have a lot of cool stuff to share with you.

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