ME B2B Summit 2019: the best moments of the benchmark event in B2B e-commerce

ME B2B Summit 2019: the best moments of the benchmark event in B2B e-commerce

O ME B2B Summit, event held by Fx Market Electronic and reference in e-commerce between companies, took place last Thursday (September 19), on Buyer's Day.

There were more than eight hours of knowledge with lectures and debate panels with renowned professionals in the market. Curated by HSM, the event brought together almost 800 people, including buyers and sellers, to discuss the main trends in the segment, in addition to bringing practices and expectations of this scenario to professionals.

We would like to thank everyone who attended and get ready, because soon we will share on our social networks the content of the lectures, podcasts recorded behind the scenes and everything you are entitled to so that you do not forget any teaching.

And for those who couldn't make it, we invite you to join us and experience this special meeting in September 2020.

In the meantime, keep reading, as we've put together a summary of the best moments from this edition.


ME B2B Summit 2019: an unprecedented format in the business-to-business market

ME B2B Summit 2019: an unprecedented format in the business-to-business market

A second edition of the ME B2B Summit proposed a new format with content targeted at buyers and sellers in the business-to-business segment.

In the morning, participants split up to attend two different knowledge tracks focused on their business models. Buyers spent the morning at Theatro NET, while sellers filled a movie theater at Kinoplex.

In the afternoon, the audience gathered at Theatro NET to attend shared lectures, network, exchange experiences and understand how to foster long-term relationships to generate more value for businesses.


Pendulum movement of innovation: what will be valuable and what will be left for humans to do

Pendulum movement of innovation: what will be valuable and what will be left for humans to do

Arthur Church, TEDx speaker in Brazil, USA, Europe and South America, opened the knowledge day of the ME B2B Summit 2019, giving one of the most acclaimed talks of the event for both audiences.

Arthur spoke about technological changes, which tend to be faster than our ability to understand and scare everyone in the job market.

In his speech, he showed that there is no need to create panic and that the future is more optimistic than one might imagine. After all, human beings will play a fundamental role in building it.


Special trail for buyers

Special trail for buyers

The knowledge trail for buyers had special lectures and debate panels.

Priscila Miguel, coordinator of FGV-CELog, presented the theme “Business Risk Management: How to Prepare a Resilient OrganizationThe presentation showed that increased complexity in supply chains, growing market volatility, cybersecurity threats and political uncertainty are just some examples of the risks that organizations are exposed to today. But even in this scenario, it is possible to adapt to changes and develop new opportunities to become a resilient company.

The debate panels invited executives from large companies to discuss interesting topics. The panel “How companies are preparing for Purchasing 4.0” brought together Daniela Ferreira (head of purchasing at Bridgestone), Eduardo Lo Valvo (director of supply chain management at Siemens Brazil) and Bruno Santos (director of purchasing at Saint-Gobain) to discuss the challenges of digital transformation in companies’ purchasing areas.

The panel “How to achieve greater competitiveness and efficiency in purchasing in the global market” ended the morning with the participation of Jerson Nascimento (CPO of JBS South America), Fernando Cotrim (supply director of Invepar) and Paulo Silvério (purchasing director of Bunge), who gave tips on how to negotiate with the international market.


Special track for sellers

In this edition, the salespeople also had lectures dedicated to their businesses. Paulo Teles, IT director at Sonepar, presented the theme “Main KPIs for B2B: what and how to measure to increase your sales performance”. The executive stated that many companies are disappearing because they do not know how to measure their KPIs and gave tips for salespeople to understand the performance of an organization's processes.

Daniel Baunds, founder of VendasB2B, presented “Sales Machine: How to boost your sales with a predictable and scalable process”. His presentation showed examples that prove the importance of having a sales machine in business, in addition to presenting the step-by-step process for implementing the methodology.

The salespeople’s morning ended with the panel “What large companies value when choosing a supplier”. Marcelo Pereira, Director of Supplier Management at Mercado Eletrônico, mediated the discussion, which was attended by João Gritti (Director of Supply Chain at Maxion Wheels), Celina Maria (Supplies and Import Manager at Sotreq) and Oswaldo Zanotti (Purchasing Manager at Solvay).


The afternoon brought together buyers and sellers to discuss common topics

Trust and collaboration in postmodern management

Poliana Abreu opened the afternoon of lectures at the ME B2B Summit 2019. The head of content and innovation at HSM presented the theme “Trust and collaboration in postmodern management”, which made one thing very clear to all participants: the old and inflexible leadership model no longer has a place in the job market. Leaders need to do their homework and reach new levels of maturity and awareness if they want to remain active.


Fostering long-term relationships between buyers and sellers to generate business value

The last panel of the ME B2B Summit was perhaps the most anticipated of all. Clarissa Otsuka (senior procurement manager at Mosaic), Marcelo Santos (indirect purchasing manager at Nestlé) and Edmur Vellozo (supply director at BRK Ambiental) discussed the role of buyers and sellers in creating win-win relationships.

According to them, the benefits go beyond savings and competitive prices. The exchange of experiences can favor innovation and the improvement of processes within companies.


Reframing: learning to reframe events

How to turn problems into solutions? Luis Rasquilha, CEO of Inova Consulting and TEDx speaker, was also one of the most talked about talks at the event. The expert showed the importance of reframing in everyday life, especially at a time when absolute truths are being questioned.

The methodology, created at the Dutch school, helps people rethink their attitudes in the face of a scenario of constant transformations.


Negotiation: Tactics and Tricks You May Never Have Realized

Alex Leite, educational director at Live University (Inbrasc), took to the stage at the ME B2B Summit to lead a fun game between buyers and sellers, and ask the question: do you know how to negotiate?

For 50 minutes, Alex showed points that go unnoticed, and that the art of negotiation can be a game changer for selling more and retaining customers.


Digital Weapons vs. Digital Soul: Building Relationships in the New Age

Walter Longo, the keynote speaker at ME B2B Summit 2019, took to the stage to close the event with a flourish.

The administrator, publicist and international speaker made everyone think about the future of humanity and how brands need to adapt to a reality where nothing is defined by the average, but rather by individuality.

In a play on words, Walter states that we are leaving the Middle Ages and entering the Media Age. In other words, “an era where each of us is a universe apart, respected in our individuality and with the ability to influence society.”


This was a brief summary of everything that happened at the ME B2B Summit 2019. Soon, you will be able to follow each of the topics in more detail, here on the Mercado Eletrônico blog.

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