On November 10th and 11th, Mercado Eletrônico, a leader in e-commerce between companies in Latin America, will hold the ME B2B Summit 2021. There will be 2 days of programming, 5 hours of content and 6 lectures on various topics with renowned professionals in the market.
In this 3rd edition, the event will be free, online and gamified, with lectures and debate panels on purchasing, supply chain, technology, trends, ESG, responsiveness, leadership and self-knowledge.
Everything thought out and prepared with a focus on H2H, that is, human to human. Registrations are made through the website: www.meb2bsummit.com.br.
Below you will find more details about the ME B2B Summit talks:
Check out the program details:
1st day – November 10th
Arthur Igreja, TEDx Speaker and Cofounder of AAA Innovation Platform, will open the ME B2B Summit with a talk on procurement of the future, voice-activated purchasing, robotic processes and virtual assistants.
There will also be a panel on the sustainable future of the purchasing area, circular economy and supplier management, with the head of procurement for South America at ALPLA, Murilo Zappellini, the supply director at Hidrovias do Brasil, Francisco Cortinas, the director of sustainability and Instituto EDP Brasil, Dominic Schmal, and the coordinator of FGV-CELog, Priscila Miguel.
To close the first day of the program, keynote speaker Martha Gabriel, one of the greatest national references in innovation and futurism, is invited to talk about “in the future, we will be eternal beginners”.
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2nd day of event – November 11th
Cauê Oliveira, director of Youleader Brasil (GPTW), opens the second day of the event with the talk “in search of the ideal purchasing team: different people, efficient teams”.
Next, there will be a panel on uncertain scenarios, with Leandro Chirinea, CPO of Nestlé Brazil; Celina Maria, supply and import manager at Sotreq; Flavio Barreiros, leader of Supply Chain and Latam operations at Accenture; and Jerson Nascimento, CPO South America at JBS.
The event will close with the philosopher, writer and keynote speaker, Luiz Felipe Pondé, who will reflect on the relationship between human beings and time.
The last ME B2B Summit, held in 2019, had more than 800 participants and an average satisfaction rating of 9.2.
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Content to surprise the public
For Klyvian Flores, marketing director at Mercado Eletrônico, providing this overview of the purchasing area and the main trends for the sector can help update professionals and inspire them.
“Our main goal is to share knowledge. Due to the pandemic, the ME B2B Summit was postponed last year and this edition is even more special. We want to surprise participants with current content, renowned speakers and bring a bit of the in-person experience. We thought of an event that goes beyond the business world and that impacts life in all its fullness”, says Klyvian.
Take part in the event that is a reference in B2B e-commerce.
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