O ME B2B Summit, the largest and most anticipated event in the B2B market, is back in person: October 26th, starting at 8 am.
The fourth edition of the event will take place in Bradesco Theater, in the west zone of SP. Located in Bourbon Shopping, the place has capacity to receive more than 1.400 people.
Let's bring together professionals and B2B purchasing experts to talk about trends, challenges, technologies in the sector, as well as issues involving leadership and behavior.
Marcelo Tas and Arthur Igreja are keynote speakers for this edition
Marcelo Tas, journalist and communicator, and Arthur Church, co-founder of AAA Inovação, are the keynote speakers for this edition.
The master of ceremonies, Gabriel Louchard, actor, magician and comedian, is part of the guest list and promises to make the moment more dynamic and contagious.
Guarantee your participation in the event. Register now: meb2bsummit.com.br.
Lectures on the most relevant topics of the moment
We have selected the most important topics on B2B purchasing: strategic management, digital transformation, ESG in the supply chain and current threats to global supply chains.
Check out more details about the topics that will be covered in this edition of the event:
1. Strategic purchasing team in the digital age
A digitalization of the purchasing area has been transforming business and, at the same time, challenging companies on a wide range of topics.
Challenges include retaining talent and quickly adapting to change. In addition to the economy, digitize purchasing processes allows teams to act strategically, intelligently and productively.
But technology alone is not enough to achieve companies' goals. Increasingly, buyer profile and your skills will be essential to achieve good results.
Check out the experts confirmed for this panel:
Jerson Nascimento Jr., Chief Global Procurement Officer at JBS
João Francisco Toqueti, BSC and Procurement executive manager at Terreos
Julio Abrahao, Executive Purchasing Manager at Vibra
Mediation: Priscila Padilha, Corporate Supply Manager at Hidrovias do Brasil
2. Future of shopping in times of digital transformation
New technologies, such as AI, machine learning and RPA are transforming B2B purchasing. From now on, agile and high-performance procurement, which enables better decisions, will be essential to stay ahead of the competition.
Technological disruptions will continue to impact the future of companies, the ways in which they negotiate and transact with their suppliers, in addition to increasing their capacity to innovate and prosper in the market.
Check out the experts confirmed for this panel:
Murilo Zappellini, Head of Procurement South America for APLA
Carlos Duarte, Executive Procurement Manager at Nestlé Brazil
Fabricio Sosigan, Supply Chain director at Cinemark
Mediation: Celina Maria, Sup and Import Manager at Sotreq
3. Expanded vision in B2B: the importance of ESG in the supply chain
As the ESG schedule As the economy evolves, customers and stakeholders are putting pressure on companies to connect with issues such as inclusion and diversity.
FOR prosper in the future, it is necessary to understand how profitability and sustainability can and should go hand in hand.
In this sense, the performance of the supply chain in engajamento of social, environmental and governance issues, is essential and very challenging for organizations.
Dominic Schmal, ESG Director at EDP Brazil
Marcelo Gerulaitis, Director of Indirect e-Proc at Embraer
Leandro Pavão, head of Integrated Services at Banco BMG
Mediation: Adriana Nunes, Supply Chain ESG leader at EY Latin America
4. Global scenario and impacts on the Supply Chain, with Rodolfo Eschenbach, CEO of Accenture
Health crises, geopolitical conflicts, shortages in product supply, inflationary pressure, among other factors, generate uncertainty and ameaças to global supply chains.
There are many lessons to be taken into consideration when faced with uncertainties that we are facing. International scenarios and challenges have led companies to rethink their business models.
5. Innovation in times of caution: the results of Brazil Digital, with Marina Mansur, partner at McKinsey & Company
The country's innovation ecosystem has undergone an unprecedented cycle of abundance, as highlighted in the Brazil Digital Report 2022, recently released by McKinsey & Company.
Despite this, the new macroeconomic cycle will require a balance between profitability and growth and greater efficiency in operations.
To understand the effect of this new macroeconomic panorama on the country's innovation ecosystem, a round of conversations was held with venture capital funds and startup founders about the trends and reactions of the main agents in this market.
ME B2B Summit returns to in-person format
O ME B2B Summit is considered the largest B2B e-commerce event in Latin America, and had its first edition in the year of 2018.
In 2021, he reinvented himself and achieved his first online edition.
Now, in 2022, it is back in the format 100% face-to-face, with the purpose of bringing together big names in the market, promoting networking and sharing new and exclusive knowledge of the B2B market.
We want you to leave the event transformed, with many insights to apply in everyday life and achieve personal and professional development.
Guarantee your participation in the event. Register now: meb2bsummit.com.br.
See you then! 😉