ME B2B Summit and the pendulum movement of innovation

The pendulum movement of innovation, by Arthur Igreja.

While humans evolve linearly, always taking one step at a time, machines evolve exponentially. A good example of this is our processing capacity, which is not even comparable to that of an old laptop.

Amid digital transformation, technological revolutions and talks about Industry 4.0, one question remains: what will be left for humans to do and what will be valuable in an era where the entire world is becoming digital?

Don't worry! These questions will be answered and given an optimistic tone at the ME B2B Summit 2019, by Arthur Igreja, another unmissable speaker at the event.

Church will present the theme “Pendulum movement of innovation: what will be valuable and what will be left for human beings to do” to buyers and suppliers.

Check out the post for a preview of what will happen on September 19th and take the chance to sign up now!


Pendulum movement of innovation: what is it?

Innovations bring countless changes to people's lives, which require time and dedication until they fully absorb the new technologies.

The concept of the pendulum movement of innovation is a trend that makes things that were not so innovative become fashionable again.

In other words, ideas that are against modernity also end up being valued, as new technologies appear. In the post-digital world, people spend so much time connected that they now value more the moments when they can unplug and relive old customs.

According to Arthur, in the future, everything that cannot be digitized will be valued. The more human the aspect developed by the professional, the more valuable it will be.


Technological detox: have you heard of it?

There are several studies that show the negative effects that technological obsessions have on people's health, happiness and productivity.

Screens are bad for our eyes, constant texting about work is stressful, and social media addictions are detrimental to our productivity at work and can make us depressed.

It is obvious that digitalization and technologies help professionals and people in countless aspects, but it is necessary to know the limits so that they do not have a negative – and perhaps irreversible – impact on our lives.

That's why many people are already choosing to do a technological detox. Experts recommend a series of strategies, including setting aside an hour a day to get away from digital networks.


Back to the past

The more the world and technology evolve, the more people feel the need to revive the customs of the past. It may even seem like a movie script, where the protagonists go back in time to relearn the importance of the simple things in life. The truth is that, with so much evolution and innovation, people end up getting tired of so much connection and opting for disconnection.

Have you noticed how the demand for vinyl records has grown in recent years? Even with the big music players, people feel the need to listen and enjoy track by track, rather than having the option to listen to what they want whenever they want.

Today, there are large resorts and hotels offering digital detox and charging millions to provide something that was once commonplace.

People are once again inviting friends over for coffee, sitting down and chatting, they are getting used to having lunch and dinner with a set table, instead of sitting in front of the television or computer and looking at the screens of their gadgets.


About Arthur Church

Arthur is one of the A's AAA platform (with Ricardo Amorim and Allan Costa). Speaker at more than 120 events per year such as Rock in Rio Academy and TEDx Brazil, USA, Europe and South America. He is also an advisor to the Fundação Grupo O Boticário.


What about you? How have you been adapting to these super-connected routines? Do you think you can do a digital detox? Are you reviving an old habit? Tell us in the comments!

And if you want to know the subject in full, register now for the ME B2B Summit, as places are limited.

Also check out other topics that will be part of the event:

– Trust and collaboration in postmodern management

– Business risk management: how to prepare a resilient organization

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