ME Boost is the Electronic Market tool focused on the intelligent and strategic control of the purchasing area of organizations. The solution brings the technology of Business Intelligence (BI) for B2B purchases and was designed to facilitate purchasing management and help companies control their processes.
The functionality has received several improvements over the months and, in this post, you can see some of them.
Are you ready? Then keep reading!
How does ME Boost work?
The tool has a scalable search engine and stores large volumes of information, in addition to interpreting all the content in graphs adapted to the needs of each user, with the possibility of performing filters for detailed analyses.
It is also offered in the SaaS (Software as a Service) model and is part of all modules offered by Mercado Eletrônico. All data can be accessed via the web, and it is programmed to identify data patterns and present views that enable potential action plans for the manager.
ME Boost: Dashboards for data tracking
To make the tool even more robust and complete, the Mercado Eletrônico team has been constantly working to add improvements.
The platform allows you to filter data by period to facilitate verification, which consequently also facilitates auditing of the area whenever necessary.
ME Boost offers four types of fully customizable dashboards to perform strategic analysis of the purchasing area.
Get to know each of them now:
Transactional Dashboard
On this screen, the manager will have access to information related to transactions made by the company, providing data such as, for example, “Number of Orders x Branch”, “Request Status by Item”, “Financial Volume x Branch” and “Volume of Orders by Buyer”.
Trading Dashboard
In this dashboard, the manager can check the performance of the purchasing area by negotiation. We provide graphs of Average Savings by Supplier, Savings by Average Price, Savings achieved in the last purchase with a specific supplier, Savings achieved by buyer, Savings by product family, etc.
In other words, we can analyze the area's performance during the negotiation process to think of alternatives and solutions, if necessary.
Leadtime Dashboard
On this screen, we provide information regarding the time taken for each process in the purchasing area. The manager can check the average approval lead time per request, the average lead time per quote, the time it takes for a request to become a pre-order, the average time it takes for a request to become an order, which buyer takes the longest in the process, and other strategic information for the business.
Order Dashboard – Spend Analysis
This dashboard provides general information about the purchasing department's spend. We can check the total spend value, the total number of suppliers used so far or by period, the total number of orders, the total number of lines/items purchased, the spend by item category, the average time each supplier takes to read/respond to an order, the spend by branch, etc.
If your company needs to have more control and decision-making power, get in touch and request more information about Mercado Eletrônico's ME Boost Solution. Click here!
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