Mercado Eletrônico is elected one of the best companies to work for in Brazil, according to GPTW 2021

For the 4th consecutive year, Mercado Eletrônico has won the seal of Best Company to Work for in the country, from Great Place To Work (GPTW BR 2021), and is ranked among the 150 companies in the “medium-sized multinational” category.

The award, which takes place annually, recognizes and certifies companies with the best people management and work environment practices in the country.

This year, the award is even more valued, due to the pandemic period, which led companies to adapt to the new needs of professionals.

Check out more information about the award!


People First

For Adriana Oliveira, HR director at Mercado Eletrônico, training with leadership on empathy and closeness, in addition to dialogue with each employee, were fundamental in making the day-to-day lives of the company's professionals lighter and more humanized.

“Our focus was to strengthen the employees’ sense of belonging and provide, in various ways, the well-being and integration of our team. ‘People come first’ is our main value, so winning this award shows that all the effort is worth it,” adds the executive.


ME promotes remote actions for employees

Adriana also highlights that the company also carried out numerous internal actions to promote a great work environment, even remotely, such as biweekly live sessions with the CEO, Eduardo Nader, to discuss the strategy, answer questions and promote direct and transparent communication.

In addition, recurring organizational climate surveys are carried out, with the aim of measuring team satisfaction and identifying areas for improvement; actions in favor of the health and well-being of professionals, such as flu vaccination, home-office vouchers and meditation sessions; drive-thru for collecting end-of-year and Children's Day gifts; and also actions by the company's diversity committee, the DiverseME, focused on bringing up important issues of inclusion, respect and accessibility.


ME also won the GPTW Woman in 2021

This year, ME was also the winner of the GPTW Woman Award, which recognized the best companies for women to work for in 2021. One of the reasons that led the company to win the title was the special care it took with female employees who, during the pandemic, worked double shifts, being mothers, professionals and responsible for household chores full time.

“We took the initiative to make the daily lives of these professionals easier, making their schedules more flexible so that they could help their children during school hours. We also had constant conversations with each one to understand how the ME could help them in a more assertive and personalized way,” concludes Adriana.

Regarding internal events dedicated to the female public, the ME promoted empowerment actions, such as conversation circles among employees, and lectures on leadership among women, with Samille Souza and Dina Barile, being the first and only Brazilian woman to go to the stratosphere.


We would like to thank each of our employees, who make it possible to create an incredible work environment and, of course, win this very special award. 😉

Next year there will be more!


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