Mercado Eletrônico has the best Reverse Auction and the best Marketplace

reverse auction

A reverse auction can help your company's purchasing

We are winners of the 2017 Inbrasc Award with the best Reverse Auction and the best Marketplace for the second consecutive year

O Electronic Market, a leader in Latin America in B2B e-commerce, was recognized by Inbrasc Award 2017 as the best in two categories: Marketplace and Reverse Auction. The marketplace ME has a network of more than one million buyers and suppliers and is responsible for a transactional volume of R$80 billion per year.

“We are very pleased with the recognition. We are pioneers in the market with over 20 years of experience and receiving this award is yet another indicator that we are on the right track, offering valuable solutions to our customers with intelligence and innovation,” celebrated Eduardo Nader, CEO of Mercado Eletrônico.

Reverse Auction

The solution of Reverse Auction of the ME, now also with the seal of approval of Inbrasc, optimizes the negotiation process for companies and guarantees a large margin of savings. “With it, the cost reduction is around 35% of the initial value of the products”, explained the CEO. According to Alexandre Moreno, Director of Services at Mercado Eletrônico, the solution combines savings with transparency and speed. “The negotiation process is very fast. In a traditional process, the negotiation stage can take a week. In the Reverse Auction, the negotiation takes on average one hour and with much greater results than in a traditional process”.

The award of the Inbrasc (Brazilian Supply Chain Institute) annually elects the best leaders in the Purchasing, Logistics and Supply Chain sectors, in addition to recognizing innovative projects in the market, those carried out by students in the area and rewarding the most outstanding suppliers.

The winners were chosen through a rigorous process. First, a free vote was held online to select the names of the candidates. Then, an examining board made up of members of the executive board evaluated the candidates and any possible inconsistencies in the process, discarding votes made by the nominated companies themselves. After selecting the names of the finalists, a qualitative assessment was made to determine the winners of this edition. The winners were announced on July 04, at an event for invited guests only.


Electronic Market at the 2018 Inbrasc Awards

Link: Infor Channel

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