Electronic Market presents its Quarterly Meeting Q2-2021



On July 29th and 31st, Mercado Eletrônico held another Quarterly Meeting (Q2-2021).

The event brought together employees from all countries (Brazil, Portugal, United States and Mexico) and addressed the performance of all areas and units of the company.

Check out the main moments below!

ME CEO reinforces the importance of transparency in the company's evolution

Eduardo Nader, CEO of Mercado Eletrônico, kicked off the company’s Quarterly Meeting by reinforcing the main purpose of the event, which has been held for over 20 years: transparency. In his presentation, the executive showed the company’s financial performance and placed a strong focus on the value of “Fantastic Experience”, which is closely related to customer satisfaction.

Eduardo commented on the challenges and achievements of the last quarter, made projections for the future and highlighted the progress in integration between all the company's units – Brazil, Portugal, Mexico and the USA.

Mercado Eletrônico's Marketing focuses on rich content for the B2B audience

Klyvian Flores, the company's marketing director, showed the positive balance of the quarter, as well as the latest actions of her team, which are all related to events for customers, live broadcasts open to the public and a focus on communicating products to the platform's users.

Over the past three months, the team has developed special campaigns for the labor month, with materials dedicated to training B2B purchasing professionals, and sustainability process, with rich content to promote a more sustainable and responsible supply area.

In addition, he held live broadcasts with companies LOFT, EDP, Nestle and ALPLA.

At the end of his presentation, Klyvian gave good news: after a necessary break, the ME B2B Summit will be held again in 2021 and will bring many new things to participants.

HR recalls the latest actions of the quarter, highlighting the Solidarity Games and GPTW

Adriana Oliveira, HR Director at Mercado Eletrônico, presented the latest achievements and actions of the quarter. Regarding the acquisition of new talent, in the same period, the ME hired 29 new employees and made 6 permanent employees.

Among the internal events, the highlights were the actions for birthdays of the month (with special dynamics at Escape 60), the chef's burger at home edition, the June party, the geek pride contest and SIPAT Week, all 100% online.

The other highlights were the celebration of GPTW Woman and the Winter Solidarity Games, which take place annually to benefit people in situations of social vulnerability. In this action, 3.737 items were collected for donation, a record number of voluntary actions by ME employees.

Agile Teams Present Their Main Initiatives to Improve Customer Satisfaction

With the mission of helping buyers and suppliers, ME's tribes and agile teams presented their main initiatives for the quarter, focusing on improving the user experience.

One of the highlights is the new comparative map, which helps buyers compare prices, delivery times, taxes, savings, shipping and other important information for decision-making in the supply area.

Yara Brasil is the guest at the Quarterly Meeting Q2-2021

Yara Brasil, a fertilizer company, was the guest of this edition, with the participation of Fabrizio Araujo, purchasing coordinator, Carolina Chaves, purchasing and warehouse manager, and Iasmin Santos, purchasing analyst.

Fabrizio spoke about Yara's operations, structure and purchasing categories, as well as some figures from the department. He also emphasized that purchasing professionals act as true consultants in the company, always seeking the best negotiations and cost optimization.

Carolina highlighted that the ME platform has a high level of customization and that the solution has helped the purchasing area to achieve greater productivity, security and compliance.

Iasmin commented on how the solution helps the team in their day-to-day activities and addressed expectations regarding the evolution of the platform at Yara.

TOP ME Award

With the value “people first”, Mercado Eletrônico seeks, every quarter, to recognize the work of employees who stood out during the period.

Meet the winners of the TOP ME Q2-2021 Award:

Name Area
Daniela Moraes Pereira Santos Free Shopping
Larissa Oliveira Pine Get a Quote
Fagner de Souza Goncalves Customer Success
Carla de Oliveira Birth Delivery
Leandro Delivery
Fabio Alexandre Pereira Ribeiro Delivery – PT
Renan Henrique Cavicchioli Sugiyama Development
Camila Cristina of Alcantara Financial
Guilherme Henrique Massago Marketing
Rodrigo Cesar de Freitas P&D
Bruno Martignago Martins Product
Diogo Morgado Product
Gustavo Carrança da Silva IT QA
Jovanna Miquilino Ray RH
Daiane Florentino Cavalcante STC
Nicholas Miranda Bastos STF
John Miller Support – USA
John Gustavo Pereira da Silva SDR

Happy Hour with voucher and Talent Show

To enjoy happy hour, all employees received an iFood voucher worth R$80 – a value also available for Portugal, Mexico and the USA.

In this edition, the ME “stars” were able to participate in a talent contest, with a super special prize: R$1.000,00 (1st place), R$700,00 (2nd place) and 3rd place (R$400).

Talent Show Participants:

  • Laerte Silva – prepared a drink
  • Renato Souza – played guitar
  • Juscinaria Santos – played electronic organ
  • Thiago Fonseca – sang
  • Jovanna Raio – sang
  • Monica Traumaturgo – pilates presentation
  • Victor Feitoza – played drums
  • Luis Pesqueira – played the arcodeon and sang
  • Fabio Rodriguez – played guitar and sang
  • Rubens Liberato – played guitar and sang


  • 1st place – Luis Pesqueira
  • 2nd place – Fabio Rodrigues
  • 3rd place – Rubens Liberato

See you next quarter! 😉



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