Electronic Market presents its Quarterly Meeting Q2-2024

On July 26th, Mercado Eletrônico held the Q07 Quarterly Meeting, with the presence of employees, already in the new office, in Vila Olímpia, in São Paulo, which is under construction and will soon be inaugurated.

Our meeting was broadcast live to all employees in Brazil, the US, Mexico and Portugal. After the team presentations, we had our traditional happy hour, in a July atmosphere, with lots of typical food.

Eduardo Nader, CEO of Mercado Eletrônico, highlighted that the company's trajectory was built over time to meet the demands of the constantly evolving market and that all the results achieved were only possible with the dedication of people.

“Today, we open the doors to our new home, an environment that is being prepared to promote innovation and collaboration. Every detail is being taken care of to offer an inspiring space to ME’s employees, customers and partners. We are a GPTW company and this moment reaffirms our commitment to putting people first,” says Eduardo Nader, CEO of ME.

Marketing highlights ME B2B Summit and participation in industry events

This year, we are preparing many new features for the ME B2B Summit! The event will be held on October 30th, at the Ibirapuera Biennial, with three simultaneous stages, more companies and spaces dedicated to networking, in addition to lots of rich and exclusive content about purchasing and supply chain. Stay tuned for what will be the biggest edition in our history. by clicking here!

Another highlight of the quarter is the participation of ME in the main events of the sector, both national and international, such as Rethinking Procurement, by APCADEC, in Portugal; Arce Congress, in Spain; Senior Summit, Senior Experience, Supply Chain Marathon, Compras Summit, Universo TOTVS, among others.

LGBTQIAPN+ Pride Event promotes discussion about trans people in the job market

In July, the ME People & Management team held a special morning – Diversity from January to January – with Jade Odara, godmother of the ME Pride event, Niodara, CEO of Novas Narrativas, and Iogaia Mensano Sampaio, Diversity and Inclusion consultant, to talk about the importance of promoting a safe and welcoming corporate environment for trans people. Click here to read more details about our special meeting!

Agile teams present the main initiatives of the quarter

With the mission of delighting professional buyers, freeing these professionals from operational activities, the agile ME teams and tribes presented their main developments during the period, focusing on innovation and continuous improvement of the ME customer experience.

TOP ME – Q2-2024

Below, check out the employees and teams that received the TOP ME award, which highlights the people and teams that stood out the most in the quarter:

Tribe winners
SaaS UX Yuri
Source to Pay Felipe Hallanny Silva Batista
AISI XNUMX Italo Rafael Tavares Fontenele
Innovation & AI Yuri Agliardi Cifuentes
UX Michelen de Freitas Gil
Area Indicado
Functional Leader USA Eric Ijiri Santiago
JBS USA Support Jason Carl Cox
Remedies Herbert Scheiner
Financial – Collection Carolina Santana Ribeiro
Financial (Financial Planning) Philip Souza de Oliveira
SDR Mariana dos Santos Miranda
New Business Directorate Luana Costa Gomes
SMB Suppliers Vanessa Dantas Loiola Rocha
Customer Service – STC Maria Rita Albino
Customer Service – STC Jose Leandro Gomes Jacob
Changes Carolina Birth
Free Shopping Larissa Oliveira Pine
Get a Quote Lucas Estevam da Silva
Customer Success Lucas Almeida Havilla
Delivery – JBS Cell Fabio Dias Luiz
Core Support Augusta Ramos Pires
Lean Team Alexandre Marcondes Marques
People and Management Livia de Resende Costa Carvalho
Customer Success – Portugal Thais Machado Martins


Category winner
Most Innovative Jessica Freire
Ownership Natalia Monteiro Marini
Best delivery Patricia Leme Rocha
Team Player Lucas Barbabela
Revelation Isabela Gomes Mendes
Most innovative team Electro DS

To the next! 😉


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