For the 4th year, Mercado Eletrônico is one of the best IT companies to work for

Mercado Eletrônico has just won the GPTW Award – Great Place to Work IT 2021, for the 4th consecutive year, in the “medium-sized companies” category. The “Best Companies to Work for IT” award is held in partnership with IT Mídia and is in its 16th edition this year.

Check out the details of the award and some of Mercado Eletrônico's actions to retain talent in technology, an area so full of challenges.

Versatility and flexibility are some of the secrets do Electronic Market

Currently, 66% of Mercado Eletrônico's employees are from the Technology area, with 24% of these professionals being hired in 2021. During this period, 11 IT interns were also hired.

For the company's Human Resources Director, Adriana Oliveira, this achievement is the result of Mercado Eletrônico's investment in collaboration between teams, in promoting people's autonomy and flexibility within the work environment.

“Our culture of innovation makes us attractive and inspiring to the technology audience. Another strategy in our work model is the formation of small, multidisciplinary and self-managed teams, in order to promote short development cycles that offer quality and high added value to the client”, says Adriana.

Versatility and flexibility are also some of the points observed by technology professionals when selecting a company.

Today, ME offers a hybrid work format and has diverse technology teams, with employees spread across Brazil.

“We have professionals in Curitiba, Mato Grosso do Sul, the interior of São Paulo, Recife, among other locations. Because of the home office, there are no longer any barriers or the obligation to hire only in São Paulo”, he adds.

Hot IT market

While some professions have ceased to exist in recent years, the so-called “careers of the future” are heating up the job market – this is the case with technology, which has already become one of the most strategic areas in companies.

However, the shortage of qualified workers in this sector has impacted Brazil and several countries around the world. According to a survey conducted by the National Institute of Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP), the job market needs 70 technology professionals annually, but only 46 graduate in this area.

As the supply and demand balance does not add up, attracting and retaining these professionals has become a challenge for companies, which are trying to be relevant as employers amidst the countless proposals and opportunities presented frequently.

According to a study by Manpowergroup, a people management consultancy, 52% of Brazilian recruiters say they have difficulty hiring in the technology sector.


Being on the GPTW TI list reflects one of ME's main pillars: “People First”.

We believe that it is people who make a story of growth and success possible, and we can only thank all of our employees immensely.

To the next! 😉


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