Mercado Eletrônico launches user experience program

Mercado Eletrônico, a leader in B2B e-commerce solutions in Latin America, recently announced its User Experience Evolution Program and made available a series of improvements and innovations to its technology platform. The goal is to make users’ daily lives more enjoyable, simple, productive and strategic.

For the project, we have a team of UX (User Experience) experts responsible for implementing new features and fostering more and more business in the ME community – made up of more than 1 million users, who move around R$100 billion per year in business.

User Experience Program: Cleaner and more strategic layout

Our platform has undergone several updates, such as: a new layout for action buttons, fewer colors to make the visuals more pleasant, a new font to make it easier to read, new icons, redesigned filters, free text fields and tables, among others. “We work to offer a platform that is increasingly responsive, intelligent and that fosters more business between companies,” says Fabrizio Tassitano, director of products and marketing at Electronic Market.

Among the recent developments is the improved segmentation of suppliers. This means that they can be easily found by buyers and will have access to quotes that are more suited to their profile.

Buyers will now be able to access a new top navigation bar with access to the main features of the e-Procurement platform. The update will allow users to quickly access actions directly from the header and make more assertive decisions.

85% customer satisfaction

Many users are already working on the platform with the new usability. Since the program began 3 months ago, there has been a 300% increase in people's engagement with the new features and the number of users who have chosen to work on the updated version of the platform has doubled. In a recent survey conducted by our UX team, the result showed 85% satisfaction.

“We know that changes can be uncomfortable at first, but we didn’t encounter any resistance. On the contrary, users were satisfied, and we were able to confirm this with a high satisfaction rate in the survey. Promoting a modern, simple environment that allows users to perform better is one of the program’s priorities,” concludes Fabrizio.


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