Electronic Market at the 13th Supply Chain Marathon


Today marks the end of the 13th Supply Chain Marathon, an event promoted by Inbrasc, on May 9th and 10th, 2017. Among the highlights, we had the debate: “Use of technological trends within the Supply Chain area” with the participation of Eduardo Nader, CEO of Mercado Eletrônico.

The conversation revolved around questions about the future of the sector, such as the use of new technologies in Brazil, the importance of determining the value of the business before choosing the technology and also the relevance of proximity and good user experience.

Nader recommended that executives and professionals attending the event first evaluate what brings value to their business in order to understand what is being purchased. Defining the correct scope, for him, is also essential to avoid mistakes when adopting a technology.

Another issue addressed by the CEO | was the fact that technology loses momentum in time-consuming projects. “That’s why we adopted rapid methods. We have created rapid development platforms and their success is great, because they are in line with what the user wants”, he explained, referring to the easy-to-implement applications created by Mercado Eletrônico, which do not require a developer. “We need to leave the tool in the hands of the user”, he added.


Nader also commented on the low investment in new technologies, even though Brazil is considered a player in the export of innovation. “Given the Brazilian restrictions, such as lack of capital and taxes, we have not innovated a lot. Resources are scarce. Technology is still expensive today, so it is essential to show the value it will bring to the client’s business.”

In the area of ​​trends, the guests spoke about companies' concern in promoting a closer relationship with users and developing solutions with a great experience for them. Another highlight of the marathon were the international lectures on the second day of the event.


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