In the week of 28/06 to 02/07, Mercado Eletrônico promoted the Diversity Week for its employees, in honor of LGBTQIA+ Pride Day, celebrated on June 28. To discuss important issues on this agenda, the ME received special guests from large companies, such as Melissa Cassimiro and Edison Augusto (Accenture Brasil), Esabela Crus (Mercado Livre), Danilo Mazzi (Bloomberg), William Pinheiro (Dell Technologies) and Fabiana Araujo (Barilla).
Also participating were: Marcio Orlandi, from Pride Bank, the first digital bank with a focus on LGBTQIA+; Ivone de Oliveira, known on social media as “Gata de Rodas”; Alberto Silva, founder and coordinator of Casa Florescer, an NGO that serves transsexuals and transvestites in situations of social vulnerability; and Marcelo Gallego, from the Secretariat of Justice and Citizenship of the State of São Paulo.
Drag queen Jade Odara, one of the movement's leading activists, was invited to moderate the panel “The importance of celebrating LGBTQIA+ Pride Month and supporting the diverse community”. Jade told her story, talked about respect and how essential it is to have allies in this cause.
Diversity is our face!
The action was organized by the company's diversity committee, the DevereME, which has five main pillars – LGBTQIA+, female empowerment, ethnicities, races and PCDs – the program featured educational and informative panels on diversity and inclusion, themes increasingly present in the Electronic Market.
To kick off Diversity Week, each employee received a Diverse ME Kit at home, consisting of a t-shirt, stickers and an educational booklet “Sexual diversity and LGBTI+ citizenship”, with guidance on the importance of embracing diversity in all its dimensions.
In addition, DiverseME members participated in a discussion group on diversity and employability with the presence of people from diversity departments at other companies.
Inclusive and diverse culture
Among the events on the schedule, there was also a panel aimed at company leaders, with the aim of engaging leaders in the fight against prejudice and discrimination in the workplace and, also, encouraging the selection of new talent.
“Our diversity committee is open to all employees. It is part of our culture to respect and welcome people. Our learning is constant and this exchange is always very enriching,” says Adriana Oliveira, Human Resources Director at ME.
For the ME, it is not enough to talk about diversity. It has to be done. 😉
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