Mercado Eletrônico presents its Quarterly Meeting Q4 2019

This Friday (07/02) was reserved for the first 2020 Quarterly Meeting. Eduardo Nader, CEO of Mercado Eletrônico, opened the event by talking about the company's main objective in 2020: to continue being a GPTW and work hard to maintain the best deliveries to customers.

The meeting lasted all day, was attended by Siemens, one of ME's major clients, and focused on aligning the strategy with all employees.

Check out the main highlights in today's post!


95% are proud to work at Mercado Eletrônico

Adriana Oliveira, HR director, presented the company's satisfaction rates and the latest initiatives aimed at employees.

Among the three most important questions, (1) are you satisfied with Mercado Eletrônico, (2) would you recommend ME to friends and family and (3) are you proud to work at the company, all had good results: 85%, 94% and 95% respectively.

The numbers showed that the HR awards, won during 2019, are the result of the daily effort to build a pleasant, welcoming and challenging environment to develop its professionals and promote growth.


The importance of OKRs (objectives and key results)

Adriana took advantage of the meeting to talk about the importance of OKRs (objectives and key results).

The methodology, which was created by Andrew Grove, former CEO of Intel, is applied within the Electronic Market and aims to define the main objectives of the company and each of its employees.

The director stressed the importance of defining objectives on a quarterly basis. After all, they are what guide the company and its employees to work focused on the strategy, in addition to helping the organization grow sustainably.


Diversity program completes 1 year and brings something new

At this quarterly meeting, the program DiverseME completed one year of life. After 365 days of the project, several initiatives and events were held, with the aim of promoting diversity within the Mercado Eletrônico work environment.

Meetings on feminism, black pride and LGBTQ+ brought together collaborators to tell stories of struggle and inclusion, in order to foster knowledge. After all, only by understanding the events is it possible to connect stories and promote empathy.

To conclude the HR presentation and celebrate DiverseME's anniversary, Adriana announced that, starting in 2020, ME will offer 20 days of paternity leave to all future fathers in the company.


Siemens is the guest at the first meeting of the year

Rodrigo Luccatto, Process Manager at Siemens and Mercado Eletrônico customer, came to the company to present the organization, share his professional stories and the day-to-day challenges that ME technology is able to help with.

At the beginning of his presentation, Luccatto spoke a little about Siemens, which is present in several areas of activity, such as gas and energy, smart infrastructure, digital industries and mobility. He also highlighted that, here in Brazil, it operates in all regions, including the most remote ones, and that it has the most complex plant in the world, in Jundiaí (inland São Paulo), with 9 different factories operating in the same large space.


Electronic Market helps RPO (Regional Process Office) area

The executive, who coordinates the RPO (Regional Process Office), spoke about the difficulties that the area faced daily and the benefits guaranteed after implementing the Mercado Eletrônico solution.

Common problems included:

  • The same supplier delivered products to different BUs, without a scheduling process and generating a huge queue of trucks.
  • POs were sent via email and PDF, making management difficult.
  • Rework in the invoice entry process.
  • Different locations for receiving materials.
  • PO FUP process was not standardized.

After implementing the ME solution, the scenario changed completely:

  • Elimination of truck queues.
  • More quality in the process.
  • Reduction of material and logistics costs.
  • Elimination of operational processes.
  • Opportunity to work with a local supplier with extensive experience.
  • More speed and transparency.

At the end of the presentation, ME employees were able to ask Rodrigo Luccatto questions.



In order to not lose the habit of recognizing the highlights of the quarter, the event ended with the ME TOPs of Q4-2019, pizza and happy hour.

Check out the names and photo of the award-winning team:

Jessica de Azevedo Lino IT QA
Camila Cristina of Alcantara Financial
Jacqueline de Almeida Araujo Key Account
Diego Oliveira Pre-Sales
Jesse James Correa do Prado Junior Products
Luana Costa Gomes Business Suppliers
Jair Angeluci Neto STC
Jefferson Willian Santos Lopes da Silva STF
Elda do Carmo Miranda Sena Get a Quote
Thamiris Chagas Ferreira Solutions
Jessica Rita Primo Fortes da Silva Solutions
Danilo Freitas Baggio Infrastructure
Luis Eduardo de Souza Cadastral Management
Laerte Souza da Silva Projects
Charles de Azevedo Development
Leonardo Terranova Marketing
Monica Thaumaturgo HR Quality



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