Electronic Market presents its Quarterly Meeting Q1-2021

On the last Friday of April, leaders and teams from Mercado Eletrônico presented their strategies and results at the Q1-2021 Quarterly Meeting. The event, in a 100% online format, brought together around 250 employees from the countries where the company operates: Brazil, the United States, Portugal and Mexico.

At the opening, Eduardo Nader, CEO of Mercado Eletrônico, thanked employees for their presence and commitment during the quarter and reaffirmed the ME's commitment to transparent actions with all its stakeholders.

In addition to watching presentations from the various areas of the ME, such as Finance, HR, Marketing, Operations, Product, IT, among others, employees participated in live dynamics with prizes and received a voucher from iFood for a special happy hour.

Below, check out the main events that marked the Q1-2021 Quarterly Meeting:


CEO of Mercado Eletrônico reinforces the purpose of the ME pillars

Eduardo Nader, CEO of Mercado Eletrônico, emphasized the company's values ​​(people first, fantastic experience, one team and impact on society) and the fundamental attitudes to achieve them.

“People First”, our priority value, is present in both our internal processes and in the products and solutions we provide to our customers.

“Fantastic experience”, a customer-focused value, has been guiding teams in the processes of improving and innovating our platforms.


91% of employees are satisfied with ME

The most recent organizational climate survey, carried out by Mercado Eletrônico's HR department, showed that 91% of employees, including those from Brazil, the United States, Portugal and Mexico, are satisfied working at the company.

Adriana Oliveira, HR Director, highlighted the globalized approach of the area, which has been carrying out integrated actions with the particularities of each country. One of the campaigns that deserves to be highlighted is the drive-thru flu vaccination campaign, with a total of 238 doses of vaccines administered to employees and dependents.

Regarding new hires, Mercado Eletrônico hired 48 people in the first quarter of 2021 alone, a significant number in the company's history.


Marketing strengthens integration with other areas and internationally

With a focus on customer experience, Marketing expands its activities with other areas of the company, creating new campaigns, communicating about platform updates, welcoming new customers, among other actions.

To strengthen the international operations of Mercado Eletrônico, the ME hired agencies abroad, which will work in an integrated manner with the Brazilian team.


Marfrig is the guest at the Q1-2021 Quarterly Meeting

Leandro Augusto, Supply Chain Manager at Marfrig – the world’s largest hamburger producer – presented the main benefits achieved in the company’s supply area with the implementation of Mercado Eletrônico’s e-Procurement.

According to Leandro, the team in the area, made up of 35 people in Brazil, began to work much faster, more strategically and in an integrated manner, reducing the time spent in purchasing flow processes from 78 hours (before the platform) to 49 hours (with the platform).


Presentation of agile teams

Mercado Eletrônico's agile teams presented the improvements made and those already in progress, in order to optimize user experience and usability.

Eduardo Nader, CEO of Mercado Eletrônico, ended the meeting by praising the teams for their maturity and protagonism over the last few months.



Every quarter, Mercado Eletrônico recognizes employees who stood out during the period, who also receive a gift card. Check out the names that made it onto the TOP ME Award list for Q1-2021:

Name Area
Luisa Cabral Channels
Danilo Salas Commercial – Farmer
Milena Mendes Free Shopping
Leticia Rafaella S Carvalho e Silva Get a Quote
Beatriz Yukari Nakata Ishii Delivery
Luana Andreza War Wood Delivery
Rafael Almeida da Silva Delivery
Renaildo Santana Development
Luiz Felipe Araujo Development
Diego Gimenes de Souza DevOps
Lais Tarifa Days Marketing
Gabriela Salmeron New business
Rodrigo Fernandes Neves Financial planning
Kelly Nunes Pre-sales
Bianca Flag Products
Fabio Ribeiro Delivery Projects (Portugal)


happy hours

Finally, we celebrated the quarter's results with a super fun Happy Hour. There was a R$80,00 voucher from iFood and a DJ to liven up the party!

To the next! 😉


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