Electronic Market presents its Quarterly Meeting Q3-2022

The third Quarterly Meeting of 2022 of the Electronic Market took place in a hybrid format. The chosen location was Candela Bar and Restaurant, in Vila Olímpia, in São Paulo, where a happy hour was also held to celebrate all the achievements of the quarter.

As usual, managers from areas such as Finance, Marketing, People & Management, Products, Service, Customer Success, among others, share the initiatives carried out in the quarter and those planned for the next period.

Eduardo Nader, CEO of Mercado Eletrônico, opened the event with a welcome and reinforced the purpose of the Quarterly Meeting to offer an excellent opportunity for teams to showcase their results and strategy for the next period.

“Our culture changes every day, with people’s attitudes and engagement. Our greatest goal is to inspire people, in our deliveries and even in the smallest details. We have positively impacted our customers, seeking to provide a fantastic experience”, says Eduardo Nader.

ME B2B Summit 2022 brings together 1200 people at Teatro Bradesco

Back in a 100% in-person format, the 4th edition of the ME B2B Summit brought together 1.200 people at the Bradesco Theater in São Paulo for an edition packed with exclusive content, with current and relevant topics for those working in the purchasing and supply chain areas.

This year, Marcelo Tas, journalist and content curator, and Arthur Igreja, co-founder of AAA Inovação, were the event's keynote speakers. We also welcomed experts from large companies and different segments to the lectures and panels, to share their experiences and day-to-day challenges.

ME hires 21 new interns for the DiverseDEV Program

This quarter, the hiring of 21 interns was completed, who participated in the DiverseDEV ME program, with a 100% scholarship for the full stack .NET web programming course. In addition, all classes, with people selected from all over Brazil, were formed.

ME Academy, a Customer Success Team project, is launched

ME Academy, a Customer Success Team project, is launched

Academia ME is one of the launches this quarter, a distance learning platform ready to receive content for knowledge trails. The main objective is to certify partner suppliers in the implementation of ME and to provide digital training to our customers and employees. Students will have access to a complete learning trail, with courses for users to make the most of the platform, in addition to a certificate of participation.

Presentation of Agile Teams

The agile teams presented the work that has been carried out to evolve the products, with a focus on offering a better experience to customers.

Now, UX is part of the initiatives of all teams, which also communicate and interact with greater intensity, which has brought more efficient results.

Top ME Award

Every quarter, Mercado Eletrônico recognizes employees who stood out during the period, who also receive a gift card. Check out the names that made it onto the TOP ME Award list for Q3-2022:

Top ME – Teams awards

Name Area
Erich Roveda Most Innovative
William Kashihara Ownership
Rodolfo Andrade Best delivery
Beatriz Ishii Team Player
Marcelo oliveira Revelation
Catalog Most innovative team
Natalia Monteiro SaaS Experience
Samila Sentoma Marketplace
Bianca Flag UX
Simone Malagoni AISI XNUMX
Juliana Orpheus Clients


Name Area
Jacqueline Araujo Commercial Farmer
Marcel Lottito Hunter Commercial
Lucas Estevam da Silva Free Shopping
Luciene Garcia Customer Success
Camila Cristina Alcantara Financial
Nathalia Novelli People and Management
Hugo Marketing
Adriano Siqueira Marketing SDR
Bruno Gomes de Oliveira IT QA
Clarinda Araujo Cardoso STC
Vinicius Augusto da Silva STC
Victor Gabriel STF
Sergio Farrica STF – PT
Alexandre Mendes Buy Support – PT
Caroline Santos Gomes SMB Business

To the next! 😉


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