Pendulum movement of innovation, what will be valuable and what will be left for human beings to do?

ME B2B Summit 2019: the pendulum movement of innovation, what will be valuable and what will be left for humans to do?

The ME B2B Summit 2019, which took place on September 19th, brought to light many important issues to reflect on the future of the job market and humanity, after yet another industrial and technological revolution.

The subject “Pendulum movement of innovation: what will be valuable and what will be left for humans to do”, presented by the speaker Arthur Church, was the opening theme of the event and you can now follow the main insights here on the ME Blog.

 Digital transformation and new technologies

Digital transformation and new technologies

In today's market, it is common to hear that technology is threatening people's jobs. And this is far from the truth. According to Arthur Igreja, every time there is a major technological movement, a series of opportunities also arise that, normally, no one is looking at.

People are so concerned about the potential harm that technology can cause in the job market that they forget to have a holistic and optimistic view of the new opportunities that are emerging all the time.

The first talk of the event invited everyone to start looking beyond the scare and hype of technology.

Arthur made it clear that we need to have an unusual point of view in order to understand how to best take advantage of this moment and the new tools.


Speed ​​+ Time: Innovations made at the right time

Speed ​​+ Time: Innovations made at the right time

It is a fact that technologies evolve exponentially. However, have you ever noticed that innovations emerge all the time, but not all of them succeed? The reason? Innovation goes hand in hand with society and its ability to accept new disruptions.

A clear example is the tablet created by Apple, the famous iPad. Do you know the year it was developed? 1993! The device already had a touch screen and some features that were not common at the time. The innovation did not catch on in the market, as people were not prepared to accept it, so much so that many had not even heard of the product.

22 years later, in 2015, they launched another version of the device, which is currently one of Apple's biggest sources of income.

This shows that it is necessary to be aware of people's maturity in receiving technology, whether the environment in which we live allows it to be used and how much users will benefit from its use.

More important than innovating is identifying the time for change, and the right moment to present it to the market and society.


 What is the pendulum movement of innovation?

What is the pendulum movement of innovation?

In contrast to technology, the concept of the pendulum movement of innovation emerges. A trend that makes things that are not so innovative become fashionable again.

In other words, ideas that are against modernity also end up being valued, as new technologies appear. In the post-digital world, people spend so much time connected that they now value more the moments when they can unplug and relive old customs.

Have you ever stopped to analyze the movement of Cross Fit? It is the perfect example of the pendulum movement of innovation. The practice uses a series of rustic equipment, such as tractor tires, ropes, weights, boxes and several other objects. This type of activity explores physical strength, very similar to the work in factories in the 60s.

But then the question remains. Why do people pay and subject themselves to going back a few decades? The answer is that while technology helps our daily lives, we miss the old world, the manual labor and effort, and we end up paying for the experience of being able to relive all of that.

According to Arthur, in the future, everything that cannot be digitized will be valued. The more human the aspect developed by the professional, the more valuable it will be.


The role of companies is to improve service and facilitate processes for customers

The role of companies is to improve service and facilitate processes for customers

The words “saving time” and “success” have never been as talked about as they are today. On the other hand, many companies talk about innovation, but still insist on maintaining bureaucratic and rigid processes.

It's simple: to innovate, you need to live and deliver what 2019 has to offer. Practice digitalization and facilitate customer service. People are tired of signing papers and writing documents. Companies need to optimize relationships, eliminate bureaucracy from their daily routine so that they have time to better relate to consumers.

Machines are emerging to take care of the boring parts of the processes, while professionals will be responsible for taking care of the humanized part.


Return on Experience: the new concept of digital transformation

Return on Experience: the new concept of digital transformation

Arthur also commented on a new concept that is emerging in the market, the “Return on Experience".

The idea behind this is to do more business, take care of the customer experience, and offer a smooth journey where it is possible to find an innovative environment within the company. Something that pleases and adds value to the user/consumer's journey.

While everyone is focused on social media, the money is never in the commoditization of something, you will always find it on the other side of the commodities.

To Arthur Church, great business is done by people, for people and with people. Companies need to combine the best of technology to resolve the worst of bureaucracy and thus have time left for professionals to handle relationships in the most human way possible.

And that's where the concept of the pendulum movement comes from: when the pendulum is going and says "let's eliminate people and digitize everything", it runs to the other side and remembers the rare things, which is looking someone in the eye and inviting them for a coffee.


About Arthur Church

Arthur is one of the A's AAA platform (with Ricardo Amorim and Allan Costa). Speaker at more than 120 events per year such as Rock in Rio Academy and TEDx Brazil, USA, Europe and South America. He is also an advisor to the Fundação Grupo O Boticário.


This is just the first post in a series of texts we will be writing about the ME B2B Summit 2019. If you liked it, subscribe to our newsletter  and stay up to date with all the topics related to the benchmark event in e-commerce between companies!

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