To improve the experience of buyers and suppliers in the ME solution, we have made new updates that will make it easier to use the platform when requesting quotes: new layout for the quote creation pages – via Purchase Pending or Free Quote, chat tool and new quote response layout.
Check out the details of these updates below:
News for buyers
New layout for quote creation pages
As quote creation pages (via Purchase Pending and Free Quote) have been redesigned. The new layout is more modern and has improved functionality. Access to the pages has not changed.
- To create a Quote via Pending Purchase: select the item you want and click on “Generate Quote”;
- To create a Free Quote: click “+ Quote” to proceed to the next Quote Creation page.
1. List of items: remove selected button in the Quote via Pending Purchase and inclusion of item in the Free Quote.
1.1 New “remove selected” button when creating a Quote via Pending Purchase. Select the items you wish to remove from the Quote.
1.2 When creating a Free Quote, only one item (blank) will be displayed at a time. To include more items, you must fill in the item fields and click on “+ Add blank item”. The portal will then include new fields to be filled in.
2. Supplier List: descriptive in the search field, remove suppliers button and pending supplier email confirmation.
2.1 The search field for the supplier's ERP code has been given a description so that buyers can more easily find suppliers.
2.2 New button to remove suppliers. Simply select the suppliers you want to remove from the quote and click the “remove suppliers” button.
2.3 New signaling in supplier contact information: until confirmed, a message will appear when hovering the cursor over the “i” – information symbol: This supplier’s contact has not confirmed the email and may not receive this quote.
3. New supplier recommendation
This supplier recommendation section is the functionality that checks the transaction history and recommends suppliers to the buyer who usually transact the same items. For better visualization, supplier pagination has been included, so the buyer can check all the options offered.
4. More options in New Quote
In “New Quote” you can:
- Allow supplier assignment: We have included an “on” and “off” button. By enabling this, you will allow our team to include more registered suppliers.
- Publish quote for ME Marketplace Suppliers: allows suppliers who are not yet registered to respond to the quote (Public quote).
5. Improvement in the fields
The fields are better positioned and aligned for better user viewing and filling in of information.
When will the new Quote Response layout be available?
At this time, the release of the new layout will happen gradually for our customer base, but it will soon be available to everyone.
To learn more about all the updates we have prepared for the e-Procurement solution, simply access here.
Stay up to date with all the latest news about our solutions here.
News for suppliers
New quote response layout
The quote response page has been redesigned and standardized to provide a better experience for suppliers. Access to the page remains the same. To access a quote response, log in with the status “In Progress”.
Major updates to the quote response layout:
1. The action buttons are at the top of the page:
2. The general supply conditions fields have been aligned:
See you next time! 😉