In the previous post, we talked about how Technologies are helping to save time and optimize companies' business.
Today, digitalization is not just a matter of investment, but of life. These advances have worried professionals, who, fearful for their jobs, do not understand the real importance of technology in the day-to-day running of companies (or, sometimes, choose not to understand).
Are robots coming to take the place of employees in companies? Will they be able to efficiently fulfill the role of people? Or will they provide better jobs for employees?
Today’s post is about these doubts and fears surrounding robotization.
Robotization: the hot topic in companies
We all know that when it comes to robotization, it is normal for professionals to be suspicious, as they feel insecure about the situation. After all, it takes time for professionals to understand all the new features.
Machines that make offers, provide basic services and solve problems are here to stay and this is nothing new.
But will some professions disappear?
No matter how extraordinary technologies, APIs, artificial intelligence and robotics are, almost all professions require a final analysis, monitoring and a humanized side, especially when it comes to customer relationships.
It may seem like exaggerated optimism, but believe me: we are witnessing the most promising era the world has ever seen. Breathe a sigh of relief, because these countless technologies, which today haunt many professionals, will in fact be used to optimize processes and save people's work time.
You know those manual activities that you don't like doing because they waste a lot of time? Well, they will be done by robots. The strategic activities, which really matter, will continue to be done by professionals.
All this movement will make jobs healthier and more strategic. However, people need to do their homework: invest in training to better meet the needs of companies and know how to deal with so many changes and technologies.
The qualities that companies are looking for in professionals have changed over time, adapting to the current scenario. So the question remains: are you prepared?
Humans vs. Robots: An Ancient History
Have you heard of the famous match between Garry Kasparov, world chess champion, and the Deep Blue, a supercomputer created by IBM especially to play this type of sport?
Garry Kasparov is considered the best chess player of all time. It all started in 1996, during his series of matches against Deep Blue. Kasparov won three games, drew two and lost one. In the final score of that year, the athlete emerged champion with a score of 4 to 2. This year was marked by the first victory of a computer over a human and, at the end of the show, Kasparov declared that he was “the last human chess champion”, predicting that, one day, the computer would surpass athletes in this type of sport.
It seems that the chess champion was foreseeing what would happen. In May 1997, after some updates, Deep Blue threatened Kasparov in a new 6-game confrontation, where the supercomputer managed to achieve the mark of two wins, three draws and one loss, achieving the final score of 3,5 to 2,5 and becoming the first world chess champion machine.
17 years later, in 2014, the mystery behind this victory was revealed. It was an error in the supercomputer's software that caused Deep Blue to emerge as the champion on that occasion.
This shows that, as amazing as robots and technology are, it is always necessary to have a human to inspect and validate the actions they perform. It is common for bugs to arise and, unlike this opportunity, which resulted in victory, some of these inconsistencies can harm an entire organization.
For these reasons, the qualities that companies look for in professionals have changed over time, adapting to the current scenario. Are you prepared?
The professionals of the future
Professionals of the future need to be resilient, adaptable and know how to deal well with change.
In the area of technology, advances happen all the time and exponentially, so it is common for organizations to change the planned route during the journey, without having to stop the ship completely.
To do this, companies look for versatile profiles, taking into account the soft skills, hard skills e arches skills that best suit the moment we are living in.
Furthermore, they seek to invest in intellectual, cultural and age diversity, in order to create versatile and above-average executive teams, with different points of view, favoring innovation.
If you want to know a little more about this subject, we have an ideal article here on the blog “Automation at work and its impacts on you".
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