LGBTQIAPN+ Pride beyond June: ME promotes event on the inclusion of trans and transvestite people

At ME, diversity is part of our culture. To celebrate the plurality of the LGBTQIAPN+ community, in addition to the month of June, we promoted a conversation circle on the topic, especially to discuss the challenges of transgender people in the job market. 

For the chat with ME employees and managers, we invited Jade Odara, godmother of the ME Pride event, Niodara, CEO of Novas Narrativas and Head of Communications at DiverCidade Hub, and Yoga Mensano Sampaio, Diversity and Inclusion consultant and D&I Analyst at Zup Innovation. 

The event, which was also broadcast online, took place in São Paulo, during a delicious breakfast. Jade Odara began the moment by reminding everyone how important it is to promote a safe and respectful environment for LGBTQIAPN+ people. 

“Today, at ME, besides being a corporate meeting, it is human, it is powerful. It is the small things that can result in big things.” tranny-training. That’s why having allies in our fight is what makes the difference for us. We want to be in safe environments like heterosexual people normally are. These people are where they want to be, and we want them too,” he says. Jade Odara, actress, presenter and godmother of the Pride event in ME

Brief overview of trans and transvestite people in the job market  

Discrimination and violence against the LGBTQIAPN+ population is an alarming reality in the country. A survey by AlmapBBDO Agency and the On The Go Institute shows that around 80% of transsexual and transvestite people have already felt discriminated against when selecting a job.  

A study by FAPESP (São Paulo State Research Support Foundation) indicates that 88% of trans people do not believe that companies are prepared to hire or guarantee the retention of transgender professionals.  

School dropout also reveals how much Discrimination based on gender identity is a fact that manifests itself in various areas of society. According to the National Network of Transgender People in Brazil, 82% of trans people leave high school between the ages of 14 and 18. In Brazilian universities, less than 0,3% of university students identify as trans. 

Niodara and Iogaia reinforce the role of companies in the inclusion of trans and transvestite people 

“Talking about the inclusion of trans and transvestite people in the corporate environment is very important so that we, trans and transvestite people, can finally occupy positions that are mostly male, such as the technology sector. What we seek and need is for our presence to be neutralized in all spaces and, in this sense, leadership is fundamental,” he states. Iogaia Mensano Sampaio, Diversity and Inclusion Consultant 


"For a long time, we have approached diversity as a social reparation, but today, studies have proven the impact on consumer choices. If people do not feel represented in some way, they will not consume the product or service. Human beings are naturally plural and diverse. We want to be ourselves in all spaces”, she says. Niodara, CEO of New Narratives Consulting

Until next time! 🌈 


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