The challenges of the 4.0 leader in Brazil

The challenges of the 4.0 leader in Brazil

In a world where everything is 4.0, it is unfeasible for a professional to remain stuck in old management methods, working with rigid processes and without the help of technology to boost business.

It is true that the digital transformation In a company, it needs to happen in a top-down manner. Therefore, leaders need to understand the need for this digitalization to remain competitive in the market. After acquiring this awareness, it is necessary to work on the bottom-up model so that all employees understand its importance as well.

Changing your mindset is always complicated, but don’t worry. In this post, we’ll cover what it takes to become a 4.0 leader. Check it out!


Leader 4.0: how to get there?

Leader 4.0: how to get there?

The term leader 4.0 or leadership 4.0 is still not widely used among companies. As previously mentioned, the fourth industrial revolution has brought numerous updates to the job market and, as a result, professionals also need to update themselves and leave their respective comfort zones. Seeking knowledge and understanding new technologies is a differentiator and, by the way, is the first step to becoming a leader of the future.

Furthermore, the 4.0 leader needs multiple skills and competencies, which go far beyond technical issues, to bring synergy between the company's main pillars: people, processes and technologies.

He also needs to be aware of new developments and know how to guide his employees, encouraging creativity, teamwork and knowing how to get the best out of each person.


The impacts of digital transformation on the relationship between leaders and employees

The impacts of digital transformation on the relationship between leaders and employees

Digitalization has both positive and negative impacts on corporate relationships. However, the way a leader views change can make all the difference in the organization’s future.

If he understands the importance of experiencing these transformations and accepting innovations openly, promoting activities to infect the team, stimulating and challenging with new activities, the experience and acceptance of this new mindset is facilitated.

If the leader sees digital transformation as a threat, he ends up boycotting digitalization ideas and initiatives, an attitude that ends up negatively affecting his team.

Many people do not feel prepared to deal with these changes, mainly because they believe that technology will meet human needs, which is not true. Technology is there to help, to automate some time-consuming processes and give professionals time for less operational and more strategic activities.

In other words, innovations arrive to transform good professionals into success stories.


The focus of the 4.0 leader: technologies x people

The focus of the 4.0 leader: technologies x people

Although at a much slower pace than in developed countries, technologies and industry 4.0 are also already a reality in Brazil. The revolution that really needs to happen now for the country to reach another level is the change in the mindset of professionals. And that is where the focus of the 4.0 leader comes in. He must prepare his employees in order to make them accept the new processes supported by technologies. Instruct them in the correct way, stimulating development to extract the best to collaborate with the company's advancement.

There is no point in having access to technology if it is not used correctly by employees. The truth is that people make companies work and, yes, they need to be able to use it to improve their work routine.

What about you? Are you ready to become a 4.0 leader? What actions have you taken with your team to drive digitalization within your company?

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