Purchasing professionals join forces with technology to advance the art of negotiation

One of the essential skills for any professional, especially in purchasing, is the art of negotiation.

If you've ever seen the movie "Twelve Angry Men," you'll remember that a single juror, Mr. Davis, isn't sure that a young man killed his own father, and he begins a negotiating battle to get the other 11 jurors to rethink their decision.

To be an efficient buyer, you need to have not only what we popularly call “the gift of the gab”, but mainly sector references and repertoire.

This is because, constantly, the professional needs negotiate with suppliers the best prices, deadlines and deliveries.

Just like Mr. Davis in the aforementioned film, the executive needs to master all the techniques to negotiate assertively.

Identifying the pros and cons of each proposal and knowing how to analytically evaluate the best product and service options is one of the most important steps in the buyer's journey.

And today, to have access to a wide range of data and indicators, technology is undoubtedly the best ally. Keep reading!

How technology helps in the negotiation process

There are different technological resources that have become the right hand for the purchasing sector.

Unlike a few years ago, it is now possible to obtain tools that present, in an organized manner, a scenario with information from all suppliers, comparing prices, delivery times and payment methods and also presenting the best business option among those available.

There are also resources that allow you to analyze potential risks within the operation and manage the supply chain in different states with greater control and organization.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has also arrived to optimize operational processes within the purchasing area, allowing professionals to focus more on the analytical and strategic side of business.

With data in hand, it is possible to have a clear vision, identify the company's main needs and the best way to meet them.

Based on this information, the purchasing area now has more performance indicators, which show the points for improvement, thus contributing to decision-making.

Therefore, companies that rely on a technological ecosystem can manage all aspects of the supply chain in a targeted and fast manner, gaining a competitive edge over other companies.

The new profile of the purchasing professional

Just as the main actor in the film “Twelve Angry Men” is tasked with ensuring that no one is harmed, the purchasing department finds itself in a similar position.

The purchasing professional is responsible for ensuring ethical sourcing throughout the supply chain. He or she must ensure, for example, that the product purchased has not been subject to labor exploitation in its production process.

With technological solutions, this analysis becomes more transparent, given that it is possible to access the company's entire history, including certifying whether the supplier is aligned with sustainability principles.

Nowadays, procurement professionals need to be a bit of everything: master data and technology, investigate brands and suppliers they intend to partner with in order to mitigate risks, know how to handle artificial intelligence resources and also have knowledge of finance.

This article was written by Klyvian Flores, Marketing Director at Mercado Eletrônico, and published in Estadão.

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