ME launches Digital Transformation Program for employees



Digital transformation has become an increasingly frequent demand for companies and people. In a old post here on the blog, we have already talked about the importance of the topic and the need to make the transition based on culture (and not imposition).

In a company, there is no point in the board of directors and the board making a decision if the employees, those who really support the operations of a company, are not yet 100% familiar with and trained for the new reality.

Aware of this, Mercado Eletrônico launches its Digital Transformation Program, which aims to provide courses on digitalization, technology and innovation to its more than 400 employees.

Read on to find out more details!


Digital transformation must have people first as its premise

“People first” is Mercado Eletrônico’s greatest value. That’s why, in partnership with edtech Digital House, ME launched the Digital Transformation Program.

The initiative will allow all ME employees to participate in live classes and lectures, taught by professors from DH, one of the main digital skills schools in Latin America.

The purpose of the Program is to strengthen the culture of innovation and technology within the ME, with the adoption of tools and processes that can revolutionize the work routine of teams.

The proposal is that all professionals are impacted by the content: both those who are just starting out in this world and those who want to delve deeper.

The lectures will be customized and will always take place on two suggested dates, so that all employees can organize their schedules and participate.


Topics range from digital culture to creating a startup mindset

The topics of the classes and lectures will cover aspects related to digital culture, agile methodologies, innovation and new technologies, metrics and data analytics, artificial intelligence, startup mindset and design thinking.

In all meetings, the idea is to provide a moment for exchanging experiences between employees, allowing everyone to share knowledge and experiences.

“The Digital Transformation Program aims to provide paths for the professional and personal development of each of our employees. ME wants to evolve more and more and see people evolve too, doing what they like and being happy”, says Adriana Oliveira, HR director at Mercado Eletrônico, during the opening event of the Program.

In addition to classes and lectures, 40 employees will be selected to take Digital House courses, which will be 100% funded by Mercado Eletrônico.


Collaborator protagonist of his own career

In addition to the Digital Transformation project, Mercado Eletrônico also promotes and reinforces the importance of the PDI (Individual Development Program) for its employees.

The program works based on “on the job”, “interactions” and “courses” actions:

  • On the job: 70% of learning comes from experience as a professional, from challenges, experience, routine and responsibilities.
  • Interactions: 20% comes from interacting with coworkers, observing how colleagues perform their tasks and receiving feedback.
  • Courses: 10% corresponds to learning acquired through training, participation in conferences, seminars, workshops, courses, readings and certifications.


Together, these actions aim to increase the capacity to innovate, grow, adapt quickly to the most different scenarios and offer a fantastic experience to Mercado Eletrônico customers.

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